Chapter 7: U.A!

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~ I tried to edit that pic as best as I plz don't judge~

Wendy's POV
I heard a knock at my door and heard.
"Wake up Wendy! Its time to go to U.A soon! And sign you up!" Izuku said. I quickly got up and got dressed I think I need a uniform? If that's what it's called eh oh well. I opened the door and walked out and into the kitchen. I saw Izuku.

"Good morning Izuku~Kun!" I said.
"Morning Wendy!" Izuku said. We ate some breakfast.
"Where's carla?" I asked.
"I think she still sleeping in your room" Izuku said.
"Oh yeah I didn't wake her up she needs the rest.." I said. Izuku nodded and grabbed his bag.
"Lets go!" Izuku said.
"Yay!" I said excited.

We started to walk to Izuku~kuns school? I thats what it's called. As we got closer we've been talking. I then looked ahead and saw a big building.
"Wow!" I said amazed.
"It's big right?" Izuku said.
"Yeah!" I said. Izuku was smiling.
"Let's get you signed up!" Izuku said grabbing my hand and running toward the building. I smiled as I looked around as we ran towards the building. We made it inside and it was so big!

"Wow" I said amazed again.
"This way!" Izuku leaded me to a office. Izuku nodded on the door and we heard.
"Come in" ?? Said. Izuku and I walked in.
"What do you need izuku?" ?? Asked.
"Principal Nezu, I'll like you to meet Wendy!" Izuku said.
"Hm she's not from her is she?" Nezu asked. I nodded.
"My name is Wendy Marvell and I'm the Sky Dragon Slayer from a guild named Fairy Tail in and place called Magnolia" I said stepping forward. Nezu nodded.
"Intresting" Nezu said.
"Can she in roll in U.A?" Izuku asked.
"Yes she may but she can't tell anyone who she is if she did it would cause a lot of things and the power she has I can feel the ora its really powerful" Nezu said.
"I understand sir!" I said nodding.

After that I was getting signed up to go here.
"Your uniform will come soon so just wear your own clothing till then" Nezu said. I nodded.
"Wait Wendy you need to make a hero  outfit" Izuku said.
"Huh? Hero outfit?" I asked confused.
"Right here our power is called a quirk not magic so you have to call your magic a quirk while your here and also there are hero's and villains so everyone who goes here wants to be a hero all you need to do is make an hero outfit that makes since to you" Izuku said.
"Ah I see I'll get startes on that! Then give it to Nezu right?" I said/ ask.
"Right " Izuku said.
"Wendy you will be In every class that Izuku is in" Nezu said.
"Okie!" I said.
"During that Izuku will give you a tour" Nezu said. Izuku and I both nodded.
"Now get to class and remember Wendy dont tell anyone also pick a hero name while you make your outfit" Nezu said.
"Right! And okie!" I said while I followed Izuku out of his office.

I followed Izuku to his first class. We stopped in front of his class. I looked up saw Class 1A.
"Just to warn you my class is really we'll its something" Izuku said opening the door and we walked in. Everyone looked at the door to see Izuku and me. A girl came up to us she had drown short hair.
"Hello Izuku!" ?? Said.
"Hey Uraraka!" Izuku said.
"Huh? Who's this?" Uraraka said.
"This is Wendy!" Izuku said smiling.
"Hi!" I said.
"Its nice to meet ya Wendy!" Uraraka said.
"You to!" I said.

And just like that Izuku interdused me to everyone but I got a feeling that he wasn't interdusing me to one certain person. I looked around and got out of the crowed of people I was stuck in. As I lookes around this I think class room thats what Izuku said it was called. I then saw a blond hair boy who was looking at me then looked away. I decided to walk over to him as I got to where the boy was sitting I got a good look at him.

"Hi there!" I said with a smile. The blond hair boy looked at me.
"What do you want?" ?? Said. He sounded like he was angry at something.
"Well I'm Wendy and its nice to meet you!!" I said holding my hand out to him. He looks at my hand and surprise that he took my hand.
"The names Bakugou" ?? Said shaking my hand.
"Its nice to meet you Bakugou!" I said happy.. Just then a person came in and everyone took there set.
"Um.." I said.
"You must be the new student I was informed about" ?? Said.
"Yes sir!" I said nervous.
"Take a set next to Bakugou" ?? Said.
"Okie sir!!" I said as I went to sit next to him. Everyone was shocked at this.

After some time I heard that we will be training?
"Training!?!YAY!"I said exited.
"Wendy follow the other girls and they will help you" Aizawa said.
"Okie Aizawa sir!" I said following the girls. After they got dressed I decided to get dressed in my training cloths that I think calar had packed for me. Which looked like this.

As I was done I followed the other girls I caught up with Tsu

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As I was done I followed the other girls I caught up with Tsu. We talked until we got to the training grounds. I looked around the training grounds.
"Alright eveyone this is going to be different" Aizawa said. He looked up at all of us.
"One of you will be fighting Wendy!" Aizawa said pointing at me. Everyone looked at me.
"To test her qurik! I already know who shes going against, Wendy step forward" Aizawa said. I did what I was told to to and stepped infront of everyone.
"The person you will be fighting is Bakugou" Aizawa said. Everyone was really shocked.
"No way! He will beat her! She will get hurt! " Alot of the students where saying. I looked at Bakugou as he stepped forward I think he was in his hero outfit like everyone else.
"Im not gonna go easy on ya!" I said putting my fist in the air.
"I will beat you the fairy ta- My way!" I said with confidence. Everyone heard me and looked at me.
"Tsk like to see ya try!" Bakugou said.

To be continued~
The fight is the next chapter! Hehe I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry for not writing / posting chapters ive been busy. Any who I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And exited to see what happens next! That's all for today Bye!

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