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"Soph!" I sing walking into the front room after I've finished making coffee, I decided to make her a cup of tea since she hates coffee. Focusing on not spilling it everywhere, I walk up to the sofa and go to put them down on the glass table, but it's not there. Why would Sophie just move it? I quickly put them down on the wooden shelf beside the sofa, shrugging it off.

Looking around, I put the biggest smile on hoping it will make her stop being upset. She has her face in her hands with her knees pulled up to her chest and she's... she's crying. My smile drops instantly and I sit beside her with my arms tightly around her waist. She flinches at my touch, again. She shuffles away and sobs flow out of her louder and harsher making my heart break more.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I whisper trying to find her face. She ignores my question and tries to collect her breathe, still sobbing harshly. "Baby, c'mon, please tell me?" It's quiet for a couple seconds. She looks up with a deep breathe in and wipes her tear soaked hands on her pyjama shorts.

My jaw drops and confusion layers my face at the sight of her face, swollen and bruised with dark purples and blues on her cheek. I try to ask her how it happened, to say something, try to comfort her, but nothing will come out. Looking into her red watery eyes that are staring back at me, screaming for my help, my heart breaks even more.

Who would want hurt her? This perfect human being, who's kind, caring, sweet, beautiful, smart and many more things. How could you?

"You, Ben" she whispers as she she looks down to her fiddling hands, letting more tears fall. "You did this" she says at the same volume.

"What?" I breathe out in a whisper, wishing her words were a lie.

I hit her. I hit my perfect girl. The person I'd kill for, the person that I would kill anyone that hurt her, the person I love most in this world, I hurt.

"You.. You hit me, Ben" she chokes out, she pulls her hands back to her face and pulls her knees even closer to her chest. She lets out more sobs and my eyes start to water. I put my arm to put around her, she looks up and sees my hand raised making her scurry away into the sofa.

"No.. Baby, I would nev.. I mean, I didn't mean to, I- I was drunk, out of my mind. That's not a good excuse, I know. But I would never want to hurt you, you're my world and I don't ever want to see you like this.. I feel.. I feel extremely bad, words can't describe, I'm so so sorry. I'm- I'm just going to go" I say looking at her then ending with my eyes down on my hands. A tear streams down my face and I wipe it away quickly, I sniff wiping my nose on the back of my hand. Standing up, Sophie grabs my wrist and looks up at me with pleading eyes.

"Please don't go" she whispers, how can I resist? I sit back down instantly and pull her into my chest. She grabs my shirt, hiding in my chest and soaking my black shirt with her tears. I hold on to her tightly, not wanting to ever let go. I don't want her to slip through my fingers, I never want her to leave me. After this I'm not sure if she's going to stay with me.

All I know, right now, in this moment, is that I love her.

Scared ; Ben BruceWhere stories live. Discover now