Birthday Blues

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Another day has begun; Jungkook has been feeling sluggish for some time now. He is not sure if this is because of Birthday blues for his fast approaching natal day or because of something else.

One thing is for sure though, it was triggered when Jimin approached him two weeks ago...

"Babe, Padding friends is about to meet up this weekend." Jimin casually mentioned.

While Jungkook has his '97 line Idol friends (male idol's born on the year 1997) Jimin has also a group of male idol friends who were tagged by netizens as Friendship Padding group.

Jungkook stopped playing games and looked at Jimin. " Taemin and Sungwoon will be there as well?"

"I guess so.. Why?" Jimin looked backed at him.

"N-nothing... it's just been a while since you guys were complete..." Jungkook tried to sound normal. He did not want Jimin to be uncomfortable in meeting his friends.

He tried to act normal but he cannot deny the fact that he's jealous particularly with Taemin and Sungwoon. He keeps on telling himself that Jimin is just friendly in nature thus when Jimin starts to get touchy with others it doesn't really mean anything. He trusts Jimin, the thing is...he cannot control his emotions.

"So when and where is the meet up?" JK is trying his best to be as cool as possible.

"Nothing final yet...why?" Jimin is now eyeing JK.

"Nothing! I am just asking..." JK is a bit irritated all of a sudden. He is having a hard time to cover his emotions when Jimin can read him like an open book.

Jimin did not reply. Jungkook silently wished that he will stop asking him his many WHY's since he does not want to start an argument with him. He is supposed to be the cool guy who doesn't want to admit he is jealous.

Saturday arrived, at around 4PM Jimin is rushing and to JK's observations he appears to be 'overly excited'. He keeps on tripping everywhere, on table, chairs, shelf...

"What's going on? Why don't you calm down?" JK asked annoyingly. It irritates him seeing that Jimin is restless just because he's meeting his friends... who happens to include Taemin and Sungwoon.

"I am rushing, I was supposed to meet the guys at 5PM and its past 4 already yet I am still here..." Jimin explains.

Jungkook is partially accountable of Jimin's late arrival for the meet up. He secretly tried to delay Jimin in hope that he will just call the meeting off. He lovingly requested Jimin to prepare their lunch, then eventually asks his hyung to wash the dishes, help him with the laundry and then last is to buy him medicine because suddenly, he is not feeling well.

When Jimin returned from the pharmacy he repeatedly asked him if he feels better already. Jimin even said that he won't meet up with his friends anymore but JK felt guilty...

"It's Ok, Jin hyung and Hoseok hyung will be here anyway. I will just message you from time to time..." JK told Jimin before the latter rushed to prepare himself.

It's been an hour since Jimin left, he received a message from him couple of minutes ago that Kai won't make it to the meet up.

Whattt?? He liked Kai to be there... Kai is Jennie's boyfriend and he is close with him. He is comfortable with him among the Padding friends because maybe he knows that he is straight and he is not into Jimin in anyway.

After a while, Jimin send another message, Ravi, Timoteo and the non- celebrity friend can't make it as well due to various reasons.

Jungkook is now restless... "Are you kidding me?" He shouted.

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