Fly Away

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"So do you think he has it yet?" Ron asked as he, Harry, and Hermione left the dining hall, "I mean, he is wearing a long sweater over his robes..."

"You paid attention to what he's wearing under his robes?" Harry quipped, ducking out of a smack from his best friend.

"I was just curious. And besides, today when we were arguing today before our charms class, I shoved him and he clenched his arm as if he were in some sort of pain. And the look on his face...I'm not exactly the strongest person in the world but he winced!"

"Ronald, taking pride in another's pain is hardly an admirable quality," Hermione scoffed.

"Why are you defending him?" Ron snapped.

"I am not!" Hermione shot back, "I just think that finding amusement in anyone's pain - even if that person is Draco Malfoy - is disgusting and cruel."

"Well I just think it's true - he got it."

"But why now?" Harry asked, "Why just now would he have it done? Lucius has been a Death Eater for a long time - in fact he is one of Voldemort's right hand men. Surely if Draco was going to get the Mark, he would have gotten it a while ago."

"Unless he didn't want it," Hermione interjected, "Why are we so sure he even wants the thing?"

"Because he's a Malfoy and he's dirt?" Ron looked at her suspiciously, "Besides, he probably craves getting it - once he has the Mark he is finally one of them just like his father, his aunt, and his grandfather was. His father is dirt who ignores his kid - we all know that - Draco not only wants to kill and take over for his father, but he also wants his father's attention."

"That may be but how do we even know for sure that he has it?" Hermione insisted, "He might not."

"Well five pounds says he does."

"You're on!" Harry nodded, accepting the bet.

"You two are sick! I'll see you tomorrow - I'm going to bed."

"Very well then."

Harry and Ron retired to the common rooms while Hermione lingered by the stairs. Draco was coming out of the hall and she could hardly wait to get to him about the Mark. She hoped he didn't have it - he had promised her that he would tell her if he had it and so far, nothing. He wouldn't lie to her about the Mark - would he?

"Hey!" Hermione stormed over to where Draco was, "We need to talk."

"Now?" Draco asked, glancing around the hallway, "I mean sure...uh...come back to my room and we can..."

"No," Hermione raised a hand, hushing him, "Not that kind of talk. Draco, I need to ask you something and I need an honest answer, okay?"

Draco bit down on his lower lip, "Um...sure. Where should we go?"

"The library - no one is ever there after dinner," Hermione grabbed his hand and together they hurried towards the library. She led him over towards the back of the room and pushed him against one of the bookshelves.

"I thought you said you didn't want to do this now," Draco smirked.

"Listen up, Draco Malfoy, I am going to ask you to do something and I want you to do it, alright?"


"No, no depends, Draco. Give me your arm."


"Please," Hermione begged, "I have got to know, Draco. Harry and Ron..."

"Those two put you up to this?" Draco hissed, his face flushing with anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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