(21) - The Date

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Dedicated to @Bartelllllls @futureloved @wendyannlove @ayymee @3151rian and @arthackney for voting.

Autumn POV

"No freaking way!" Nessa screams, jumping up and down from enthusiasm.

"Ness, it's not a big deal, " I groan, regretting that I even told her.

"It's your first date in almost four years!" She squeals, leaping into the couch. I roll my eyes at her demeanor, pretending the movie was more interesting than her.

"Way to make a girl sound more lonely than she actually is..." I mumble, popping another chip in my mouth.


"Well, what?"

"Tell me everything! Was he cute? Was he hot? Was he Fifty Shades of Grey hot or was he...."

"Ness!" I yell, throwing a pillow in her direction. She effortlessly dodges it because of my terrible aim.

"I want to know, " She groans, pleading me with her hands together as if she was going to pray.

"I'm regretting this."

"I know you are, but that's what you get. Now tell me,"

I sigh, knowing she wasn't letting this go. "Fine. Yes, he was hot."

Nessa giggles, letting out her inner fangirl out. "He was the hottest guy I have seen in a long time. And yes he's was that kind of hot okay?"

"Oh my God! My bestie is getting laid. She's getting laid!" She chants, singing it out loud.

"Nessa!" I shush her, my hand covering her mouth. "Issac's asleep," I whisper as Nessa nods understanding what a hassle it is to get that boy to sleep.

I let her go, shaking my head as I quietly laugh. "You know, you're crazy right?"

"How? There's nothing wrong with the truth."

"I'm not sleeping with him. It's one date." I shrug as Nessa flatly stares, not believing me.

"Yeah right, " She raised a brow eyeing me, "That's what they all say. That's what Angeline Jolie thought when she went out with Brad Pit."

"Hey, don't compare me and you don't even know that, " I nudged her arm.

"I do and it's an unavoidable fact."

"If you say so, " I say, knowing she was delusional and out of her mind.

"Are we going to finish this or what?" I tell her, pointing to the movie, the Notebook playing in the background. She nods, laying her head on my shoulder as we watch in silence.

"Are you ready?" Ness shouts through the room, as I examine myself in the wall viewed mirror. Today was the day, Nico was taking me out. I would be lying if I say I wasn't nervous. I was a train wreck on the inside. My nerves were surging through my stomach, and my heart was thumping faster than usual.

It was a natural instinct for me to feel this way, I haven't been on a date in three years which was depressing according to Nessa's opinion. I don't drill on it because it was my decision not to.

I fray the thought aside, setting the creamy matte lipstick on my lips before finishing the look.

I had my loose hair curled in a half up half down hairstyle, few hairs flying astray from my face. It was elegant yet carefree and I smiled at how good it looked.

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