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              Matt always waited until you his daughter (Y/N) Murdock was asleep so he can go and do his "night job." He is never really home for dinner and never really there for breakfast either. Matt wakes up early to get dressed in his every day suit and tie and (Y/N) always takes showers in the morning after making breakfast for both of them. She wakes up early as well but never catches him as he walks out the door and always seems to be in a rush and leaving their breakfast abandoned. Dinner was pretty much the same. She would get home around 4:30 in the afternoon after school and prepare for dinner. Sometimes later if she goes by the grocery store. For a 14 year old in high school it is a lot of pressure. Matt never wanted this for her, he wanted to be out of Hells Kitchen when it came time to raise a family. Even in the day time the streets are dangerous. As Matt gets dressed in his usual vigilante nightwear he listens to her breathing and steady heart beat. She doesn't know about what he does at night and he plans to keep it that way. He hops out the window quietly and shuts it behind him.

               Matt or should I say DareDevil runs, dashes, and zigzags all across the city. The city he chose to protect, his city. It was relatively quiet tonight only a few muggers nothing big. 'Maybe if I get home earlier tonight I can maybe have some time in the morning to spend with her...' He gets lost in thought as he thinks of things they could do together on the up coming Saturday morning. 'We haven't had many father-daughter date in a while. We use to do it every weekend either Saturday or on Sunday after church. I know what I will do tomorrow, since it is the weekend I will go up to the donut shop and we can have donuts for breakfast! Yeah that would be nice.' He goes to turn around and head home until a scream echos in the air and he immediately jumps into action. 'This city never sleeps.' He thinks to himself as he pinpoints the area of the scream and his night job continues.  

           It is 1:45 in the morning when Matt gets home. He swiftly yet carefully gets undressed and dressed again sliding his gear into the trunk and putting it in his wardrobe closet he had in his living room. The sign illuminating outside his window is bright but of course he can't see it. He follows his daughters heartbeat to her room and quietly walks up to her bed. He places a kiss on her head and slowly retreats out of the room as she stirs in her sleep. He slowly walks into the open kitchen area where he can smell now cold food on the counter under a paper towel. It smells breakfasty as he takes the plate and walks around the counter then sets it on the small round table and eats the cold over easy eggs and bacon along with toast that has already gone soggy with butter. 

           He slowly continues to eat as he listens to the sound of the city but mainly to (Y/N)'s heartbeat as it steadily gets fast and shuffling of a blanket could be heard as padded footsteps enter the main area. It is almost 2:30 in the morning by the time she walks out. "Hey dad." She whispers as she slowly approaches him as if not to startle him. "Hey sweetpea." He responds in a whisper as well. He has called her that for as long as he could remember. They use to be two peas in a pod and of course she is his daughter which makes her the sweetest of peas out there it's cheesy and he knows it. He lets out a chuckle. "What are you doing up so late?" He asks looking in her general direction tilting his head slightly. "I don't know... Couldn't fall asleep I guess. What about you?" (Y/N) responds as he can hear the slight creaking of the chair across from him is pulled out and the sound of a slight thud of her sitting down. " I got home late a decided to eat the dinner you made." He says as he picks up the toast and bites into it with a nearly inaudible crunch. 

               "Thank you... I know this is hard on you especially with you being all alone and by yourself most days." He says his face turning into a frown. It upsets him that he leaves (Y/N) so often. "Its fine dad don't worry about it." she says and he hears her heart beat fluctuate. She is lying and it hurts him. "Hey how about in the morning I go and get those donuts you like for breakfast?" He asks with a smile and a happier tone. His voice just above a whisper now. She gasps "Wait really!" She says in a regular talking voice which sounds to loud for this time of night and she covers her mouth which results in a slapping sound. "Are you serious! We haven't gotten anything from there in forever!" She whisper yells. "Unless you betrayed me by uncle Foggy getting them and for that I can never forgive you!" She giggles out quietly. Matt lets out a fake gasp " Of course not I would never!" He says letting out a quiet laugh. "How dare you accuse me of such a crime... I'm hurt (Y/N) I'm hurt." He says with a small pout making his daughter giggle more. He sighs. "Alright you go back to bed and I will see you in the morning." He says standing up leaving the now empty plate of food on the table. She is silent for a minute then says in a quiet voice "You promise?" She asks as he feels her stare at him. "I promise." He says holding out his pinkie to her. This was another thing they use to do when she was little and it still carried over into her early teen years. She slowly wraps her pinkie around his. "Good! I will see you tomorrow!" She says and he can hear her smile in her voice as she breaks the pinkie promise and hugs him in which he returns. "Goodnight sweetpea" He says kissing the top of her head and letting her go. "Good night daddio " She whispers and quickly moves back to her room and lays down. He waits until her breathing and heartbeat even out before he finally goes to his room and falls asleep.

(Hello this is my first serious Fanfiction with a reader insert! This was all in Matts POV but I'm sure the next chapter will be in the readers POV. I hope you enjoyed it!!)

Rebel     (Father Matt Murdock x Reader x Platonic Frank Castle)Where stories live. Discover now