The Atlas Asylum

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3rd POV
Lightning struck on top of a massive asylum as guards walked through the halls and the rain pounded hard on the window.
Guard: hey L/N!
A man opened up a slit on a metal door and slid a tray through it.
Guard: Supper time.
He closed the slit in the door as eyes opened in the corner. He stood up and walked over to the trey, his hands tied by a straight jacket.
Y/N: Guard!
The guard opened up the slit.
Y/N: did you remember my......fork?
Guard: not after last time.
Y/N: oh yeah.....I really do hope your wife recovered, I'd hate to see her a paraplegic over a fork.
The guard remained silent as Y/N smiled after his sentence.
Y/N: are you going to answer me?
The guard remained silent.
Y/N smashed his head on the metal door.
Meanwhile, two miles from the asylum.
An orange haired man sat in a large white van with a short female next to him. The orange haired man, is Roman.
Roman: so why exactly do we need him again?
??????: because for you to get revenge on the one that foiled your stick up, you need something more...unexpected.
Roman: we have an illusionist, a mute and a man with metal legs.
The girl next to him tapped his shoulder, making him stop talking. She picked up a sign with a smile.
Roman: was it is Neo?
He began reading the sign.
(Every time Neo speaks, it's just a sign)
Neo: you should honestly learn to just go with things.
Roman: he's a psychopath, you know that right? Put in here for stabbing a woman with a fork and making her a paraplegic. There's another occurrence where he hung three people upside down off the side of the Schnee Dust Company, their throats slit. One point he kidnapped five cheerleaders and shoved sandwiches through a funnel, choking them all.
Neo's eyes widened as Roman listed three of the many things that Y/N has done.
Roman: well, I hope you have fun trying
Neo: wait what?
Roman: oh yeah, you have to sneak in, since you don't stick out.
Neo pointed out her hair and eyes.
Roman: you can change those right?
Within seconds Neo changed her outfit from her usual, to an Atlas guard.

Roman: you can change those right?Within seconds Neo changed her outfit from her usual, to an Atlas guard

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(All credit goes to artist)
Roman: alright....what about the hair and eyes?
Neo rolled her eyes before turning them green and her hair black.
Roman: I'll drive you up there.
The window was then knocked on.
Roman: what?!
Kid: do you have any candy?
Back at the Asylum, Y/N was singing.
Y/N: Hush little child don't say a word, uncle Y/N gonna slit your throat, if you try to scream away, I'm gonna make you float. HEHEHEHOHOHOHAHAHAHA!
His laughed echoed through the halls as he bashed his head against the wall.
Y/N: this place is so....PRETTY! Guard! Where is that beautiful psychiatrist, I haven't seen her in a week. she still mad that I bit off her ring finger? Or is it the ear, maybe the tongue? Or perhaps all three?
Guard: quiet freak!
Y/N: I'll remember you saying that once I'm out again, I'll be sure to finish the job with your wife.
The sound of heels were clicking in the hallway as a new psychiatrist opened the door.
Woman: Y/N L/N?
Y/N: OHOHO, how did you guess, may I ask your name? Should I take off my pants for a test?
Woman: unnecessarily, I am Doctor Diane Siena.
Y/N: how fun, do you know why you're my new doctor?
Diane: I've been told you bit off her finger, right ear, and bit out her tongue.
Y/N: I'd use my bare hands....but my arms are a little tied.
Diane: I know not to get close?
Y/N: then I'll come closer!
He stood up as pebbles fell from his hair, with a massive hole in the wall.
Diane: I wouldn't recommend it.
He continued walking closer until she finally lifted her leg up and used her heel to stop Y/N, planting it on his chest.
Diane: stay against the wall.
Y/N: did you really.....want to stop me, from helping you help me? HEHEHEHE! I absolutely hate it when the new girl things she deserves to be on top!

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