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|Chloe's Point of View|

I awoke to hard rain. Sheets of water poured out of the dark overcast sky hammering on the window endlessly. My small sqaure of a room was the color of gray in this doleful weather, the only light seeping in from the cracks in my bedroom door. 

Outside a thick gurgling sound could be distinctly heard; thunder churning from the clouds above. 

A chill suddenly ran up my spine and I shuddered; burrying myself deeper under the blankets that covered me. I shut my eyes once again, trying to concentrate on getting back to dreamland, but at this point it was helpless. 

Sighing, I pulled the covers off of me and placed one foot out of bed, momentairly shocked from the coldness of the floor. Shivering slightly, I tiptoed to the door, swinging it open and made my way to the bathroom. I closed it quietly behind me, careful not to wake the others.

You see, I live an a orphanage sort of center. We don't really call it an "orphanage", but I guess you get the point.

Our Mistress, Ms. Rachel tells me I've lived here my whole life. No one knows anything about my parents, or really anything about me except that I'm around ten years old and that my name is Chole.

That's what it said on the note at least. We don't really know who wrote it or who left me at the steps of this place, but something tells me that it was my mother. My real mother. 

Isn't that a lovely thought? Somebody somewhere is out there that looks similar to me. We may have matching eyes or hair, and I've always thought that someday I'll go out into the world and find my real mom. And I wont even have to think about it; when I see her I'll just know.

But it's funny, because I can never imagine what it's like to be in a real family. The girls here talk about being a part of one a lot, but it is something that is so incredibly hard for me to fathom. People stop by here, looking for a child to adopt, but nobody has ever chosen or thought of choosing me. I've always been over looked. 

Anyways, when I get into the bathroom, I switch on the lights and hop into the shower. I rush with this though,-we have to be quick because the hot water will run out- scrambling out after I'm done.

Wrapping a towel around myself I go back to my room getting dressed in dark jeans paired with a white top and my combat boots. I go to the mirror and brush my long hair and put it half up-half down. 

Suddenly, somebody bursts into my room.

"Chole! There are visitors here..they're looking to adopt!"

I turn around quick, a smile plastered on my face.

"Really? Are you sure?" I ask excitedly.

"Yes! Be down in five-they're waiting!" She says, running back down the hall after.

I turn toward my mirror looking at my reflection. 

You can do this, I think to myself. 

 |Cam's Point of View|

"You can do this, mom."

My older sister Sierra, my mom, and I were currently in an "orphanage" home. It was basically a home for kids with no parents or legal guardians.

Earlier this week, my mom had decided she wanted another child. But my parents are divorced, so we decided to come here.

"I know Cam, I'm just a little nervous." My mom suddenly said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I put my arm around her shoulder. "It's alright! Just-" I started to say but I was cut of by an eruption of girls running down the steps that lead to where we were. A lady that looked to be in her mid forties came up to us as the girls lined up. 

"Hello, I'm Rachel Williams. Welcome! How can I help you?" She asked.

"Well, hi I'm Sierra Dallas and this is my mother, and my brother, Cameron. We were just looking for a little girl to adopt." My sister said.

"Ah, yes. Well as you can tell all the ladies here standing behind me are ages 13 and younger. Why don't you take a look around?" She said.

"Okay." We said. We walked around the line, all the girls looking up at us hopefully. It was so cute, and I felt so bad that we had to choose just one. I couldn't even imagine what it would feel like.

I was starting to get a little bored until my eyes lay upon a beautiful little girl. I couldn't tell her age because she was short, but she looked between the ages of 9-10. She had cascading long brown hair, and the most enticing pair of eyes I had ever seen.

I stopped in front of her and she looked up at me, surprised. I smiled down at her, and she smiled back, a dimple appearing in her right cheek.

"Mom," I called, looking back at my mom. "Come here."

She and Sierra both came over to me, gazing down at the little girl.

"What about her?" I asked.

Sierra beamed and my mother smiled as well. They both seemed to like her.

The girl on the other hand, seemed nervous.

I took her hands in mine smiling reassuringly at her. Crouching down to her level I asked, "What's your name, gorgeous?"

The small child couldn't help but grin again.

"My Chloe."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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