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Rosella Dean

I feel like I've been hit by a bus.

Yes, that is how I'm going to start off my story. Well, because that is how it started. With me feeling like I had been hit by a bus. Okay, back to why I felt like this.

I stared at the ground for a couple seconds before looking back up at the bitch that just punched me. I spat out some spit that surprisingly had no blood in it. But I was definatley will have a bruise on my cheek. I took no more time in forming my hand into a fist and swinging it towards her.

I can't remember when her nose broke, but it was sometime after that and I was pulled forcefully off of her. The next thing I knew I was inside the building and sitting on a chair.

"What were you thinking?!" Jaelynn screamed at me.

I looked up her, a little dissoriented from what had just happened. Then I looked down at my hands that had blood on them. It wasn't my blood, it was the bitches blood, however my knuckles will be just as bruised as my cheek.

"Rosella!" Jaelynn screamed loudly and my head snapped back up at her, "are you even listening to me?!"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I leaned back in the chair, "she deserved it, she hit me first."

Jae's eyes widened and her eyebrows went deeper as she looked at me in anger, surprise, and disbelief. "Rose!" She screached again. I winced slightly, there was other people in here too. Public people who she is probably scaring. I looked around slightly and everyone was staring.

So I stood up and grabbed my bag from beside her then turned and walked towards the dressing rooms of the arena. 

"Come back here!" She yelled even louder if that was possible.

I rolled my eyes, "C'mon Jae! I'm allowed to punch her! She's dating my brother and we all hate her!"

I heard her let out a sigh as she followed after me. She wasn't done yelling at me, but she is going to hold off for now because if we keep my coach waiting any longer, she will also be yelling at me. Just in French rather than English. I don't need two people yelling at me today.

I swallowed hard when I stepped out onto the ice and Halle started to yell at me. By the time she was donw with me for that hour, I was beat and forgetting things easily.

"Are you alright?" Perla asked me as she handed me a bottle of water. 

I glanced over at Jaelynn and sighed. She was glaring angrily at the people watching. Most of them being guys, I attract a lot of attention wherever I go. "I got punched in the face then had a full hour of Halle yelling at me. How do you think I feel?"

She laughed lightly and sighed as I drank half the water bottle, "alright, well lets start with something hard and ease you out of it by ending with easy things." I nodded to agree with her and set the water bottle back down. "So, this means quad toe."

My face fell, "oh god, not this again."

She rolled her eyes at me, "go do it you idiot. I know that Halle hasn't been working on it with you, so I will."

I sighed and skated away from her. Sometimes I hate being so good at figure skating. I mean I love it and all but people push me too hard sometimes and I can't always take it all.

That is how I found myself in the hospital being rushed through on a bed with my leg cut open wide. It was bleeding so much I couldn't feel it anymore. The bruises I could feel forming on my butt, legs, and hips didn't help either. Some days I get pushed too far and hurt myself a little too much. This is one of those days. However, today I really screwed up.

"Alright," the doctor yelled, "get some blood bags in here. Stop the leg from bleeding as fast as you can! And someone get her out of these skates!"

I took a deep breath and cringed as they started to work on my leg. They were far from anything concidered gentle. A nurse started to ask me questions but I started to see black spots appear in my vision and before I knew it I was pulled into another world. A world where I didn't just slice open the front of my right calf.

When I felt myself come back to the real world I couldn't help but cringe. Everything hurt. Specifically my leg and my face. What was wrong with me anyways?

"You lost a lot of blood," the doctor told me. "Actually, most of it was lost while you were still on the ice. I bed the arena workers had a hard time cleaning it all up. The only reason why you lost so much was because your friend can't run across the ice in her flats she was wearing."

Perla looked at me sheepishly and I smiled slightly at her. She knew something was wrong when I fell and screamed as loud as I did. It was a miricle I was able to stay awake till I got to the hospital too because of the punch I recieved earlier should have put me into shock or something.

I guess I'm just so use to hurting myself that I was too calm.

I took a deep breath a week later when I was allowed to leave the hospital. Halle was so annoyed she wanted me to start skating right away but the doctor and her had a huge argument and I wasn't allowed to skate for another week and a half until they can take out the stitches. Actually, I wasn't allowed to move at all until then. And she swore to go easy on me, she better keep that promise.

Last time I broke my arm and she sure as hell didn't go easy on me.

So for a week I slept, ate, and watched Netflix in a hotel room with the ocasional visit from Jaelynn. Only once did my younger brother call me to ask me my side of the punching story. According to him, the bitch broke up with him after that and he was okay. So that was good.

He deserved so much better.

Twice my parents called to see how I was doing and three time my eldest brother called.

"When are you going to come to Florida now that you've been held back in the UK?" Griffin asked while he stuffed his mouth with food. I couldn't see him eating, but I sure as hell could hear him.

I sighed sadly, "I don't know Grif, stop asking me. We still have to skate here a couple more times because Halle signed me up for that music video thing and we've had to hold that back because I sliced my leg open. Then she wants me to skate at least once in France because of the altitude or something. I think she just wants to visit her family. But that also has been held back because I sliced my leg open. then we go to Florida to do that other music video thing that I'm actually excited for, but can't do right now because I sliced my leg open."

He let out an angry and frustrated noise, "okay I get it, you sliced your leg open. I still don't understand why you do this for a living. You're so accident prone its scary."

I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see me. "I would have been fine if the bitch didn't punch me just before I got on the ice."

"Pssht," he scoffed, "like that's the only reason. Rose I know you."

"Well I know you," i counteracted, "and I know you want to go to Disney World so I'll be in Florida as soon as I can."

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