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Arshas POV:

Today is the day I emerge into a new territory. The Lord pack is here. A territory so dangerous the wolves looking for me wouldn't dare enter. They rule the wolf kind now. I'm only staying for a while though.

I'm a special kind of wolf. A rare kind, the only surviver of my pack. The Demious pack. The most dangerous and highest level a wolf could ever be on. We were the rulers of the wolf kind for a long, long time. Our kind loved us. We took out any threats with a snap of our fingers, we helped our people and others when no one else would, we were the rulers of all kind. All in all we were savior's.

The Demious pack didn't only have wolves on their side but we had vampires, witches, and even creatures people only thought were instinct and made up. We were the peace makers of the world, everyone looked up to us, hell, everyone praised us.

Well, until one fucked up day when a close alpha to the pack brainwashed our kinds, our people into thinking we were doing bad. They turned on us and a war broke out, most stayed loyal but with his pack and some of our strongest on his side along with the witches' dark magic, they had most control. That's how most vamps and witches became extinct or moved across the world, because of that war. I don't know how he got all that power, but that alpha was wicked and he still is.

That's a short version for how my family was destroyed. How all white wolves washed away and into the goddesses hands, all except one. Of course there is myths about me but just like all myths, most people don't believe it. Now I'm A Lone Wolf with no pack.

I'm about 8 miles away from the City. I go behind a large tree and check to see if anyone's watching. Clear. I drop my bag out of my mouth and shift back to human. Time to get a fresh start.

I walk out of the woods, I use my smell and hearing to nagavate my way to the city lines. I smell the power raiding off this territory, but I'm not scared. The Lords are on the other side of town.

I strain to smell harder trying to put my finger on the most amazing smell. It smells of spearmint and coconut with a hint of strawberry. It's a very faint smell but it smells so good. My wolf just wants to run towards it and howl in delight, but I tell her to remember why we're here.

I walk up the apartment complex stairs and to the apartment I'm going to be staying in. I've already handled the bills and such with the landlord. I grab the key under the mat, where the landlord said it would be waiting for me. I open my apartment and sigh. It's not much but it's livable.

I walk towards the couch and plop down. I need to go shopping, but in this territory, they have good senses.  People notice authority radiating off me and this pack won't like that, even if I mask my scent the best I can. I take in a deep sigh before fetching my wallet out of my pant pocket. I count the money, I have enough to buy some food for a couple days.

I stand back up and walk out the door. I figured I'll just take a nap when I get back. I can rest when I die. I chuckle at my own thought while jogging down the steps.

As I walk to the store I can still smell that wonderful smell, it seems like it's getting closer but I ignore it thinking it's my mind playing tricks on me.

I see a man eye me carefully, he's a wolf. I smell the difference between him and regular wolf's, he's a part of The Lord Pack. I take in a deep breath and act normal, he can smell the difference. I don't smell like a wolf but I don't smell like a human either when I mask. I think that's what he's picking up on.

I walk into the store and decide I'll get the food first. I get a basket and push it to the bread aisle. I get all the food I need and start to walk to the checkout.

I feel eyes on me. Just as I turn my head back someone covers my mouth with a rag. I stomp on their foot and elbow their stomach. They grunt and loosen their grip. I use this to get out of their grasp and punch them in their face. With a grunt he falls to the ground. I smell the wonderful scent again, this time it's strong. My wolf wants to howl in delight, but I stop her.

"The king will be here soon, you rouge." The person on the floor spits. I realize it's a man.

"Have to have your king do your duties? Pathetic." I snarl at him. He squints his eyes at me. He starts to get up but I stomp on his crotch. He grunts and his face turns red as his hands cradle it. I chuckle and push my biggie forward and towards the registers.

Am I scared his king will come? Nah. Do I think he will? Probably. The smell is getting stronger, it smells delightful. I want to chase it and see what's causing it. I check out and start to walk out but stop eruptedly. I can smell the power, they have this place surrounded.

I unmask my scent not caring if they new, I'd probably be off better in the cells. I abandoned the stupid cart. The smell is getting more and more stronger.

I try looking normal as I walk out but one of the guards catch me. He holds my neck with his fangs next to my neck.

"Wait till my king is here." He snarls in my ear.

"Of course," I smile. "Not."

I elbow him in the stomach but he keeps his grip firm on me. I flip him over my back and get on top of him he pushes me off and I'm up on my feet in a flash. I hear a car pull up and that smell suddenly feels like it's behind me. I turn around fast and lock eyes with a man getting out of a car.

It was the king. "Mate." We both whisper. There were gasps. He glares at the wolf's to stand down. They immediately obeyed and bowed their heads.

I shook my head in disbelief. I don't want a mate. I don't need one. Especially the king. I took a step backwards. He took a step towards me. I steadied myself to get ready to run. I didn't want a mate, I never did.

I started running, fast.


So somethings may be confusing due to me writing this last year. So if you are confused on anything said in the chapter please lmk ! Also please inform me on mistakes and errors!!

If anyone wants to make a cover and/ or suggest a new name for the story then I would love to consider it!!
My insta is _randomthoughtsdaily_

For sneak peaks or more my tiktok is wattpad_queenn

Thank you for reading:)

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