1. Rain Then Lighting

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Hiya! This is a fanfiction based of Skyrim, Dawnguard. The idea just popped into my head and I had to write it down. I hope that you enjoy it. Comments and Votes etc are much appreciated. I would actually love to know what you guys think of this, so please leave me a comment telling me your thoughts! :)



The nipping ice sting pinched at her wrists when she yanked her arms too hard. The chiming scream of metal clashed against the brick wall, and the sickly rattling ringing and scratching of shackles made her quake. A short gasp sprung from her tongue when she saw the heavy metal chains swathed around her limbs, and her breath was snatched away, when she finally peered up. A lump slowly crawled down her throat, as she met the dark, bewitching eyes, from the vicious, malicious creature that perched over her, with a sinful sneer that dripped of poison and thirst, stretching to his pale cheeks...

The cascade of ice rain, spitting out from the grey sky, penetrated the earth and hissed as it hit the ground. The thunder of the ice droplets crashing on rocks, and smashing against the earth, or ripping at the trees, was enough to send any traveller to scurry into an inn or quickly race back home...Home. Where the blistering flickering fire heats your nose and cheeks like a warm hug, when stretching out your neck to smell the burning logs and sickly ashes. The sweet fragrance of honeyed mead wandering like lingering smoke through the corridors and scented rooms. The smell of roasted food, the softness of your bed; the snug embrace of the covers coating you.

If only it was that sweet...

Each ice droplet of rainwater splashed onto the wandering nord's skin and body, ripping at her skin and freezing her bones, making it even harder for the lost nord girl to tread one foot in front of the other. The earth bled beneath her boots, gushing out pools of liquid mud and spitting out clumps of rock and strands of shrivelled grass. Her body quaked, shaking like a ragdoll in the hands of a wilful child, and even tightly folding her wet arms would not curb the cold that ensnared her. It didn't help with the air being so cold. The ice chill of Skyrim was harsh, with the callous breeze whispering through the trees, nipping at bare arms and clinging onto clothes and amour like leeches. Though the chill now was particularly fierce. The ice air ripped the flesh of the shuddering nord girl who strayed outside, pinching at her pale skin and gnawing on her bones with venomous icy teeth.

A whimper slipped from her lips, stifled from the cold air that was difficult to breathe in. Warm tears brimmed her long ebony eyelashes and rolled down her cheeks, dripping from her jaw and chin and falling to her breasts. She had lost count of how many hours she had been walking. Couldn't recall when the rain began to beat down on her. Forgotten about the hunger that ripped inside her gut. Ignored the pain inflicted across her body. She didn't even know where she was going. Couldn't remember why she began to walk in the first place. No weapon. No food. No drink. Nothing but the drenched clothes on her back that scratched at her skin, and the heavy amulet that scuffed against her chest.

Each step was becoming more difficult. Each lift of her leg a tormenting chore. Even keeping her head elevated was becoming difficult to achieve. Her copper hair clung to her cheek, dripping with droplets of rain; heavy like stone, from the water that it soaked up. She could hardly keep her balance as she continued to glumly trudge in the torrential rain that was crumbling her. She lifted her head, heavy puffs of ragged breath spurting from her mouth, looking into the horizon with her clouded vision. Day was crumbling into night before her eyes, and she watched in despair as the land swallowed up the roaring red sun. The whispers of the wind made her head faint, and the quaking of the earth beneath her feet made her dizzy. Was the earth going to collapse into itself? Or was it all just in her head?

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