Chapter 33 - Telling People Part 3

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It was about four-thirty and Joshaya was in Josh's childhood home in Philadelphia.
Amy and Alan know that the teens have something to tell them not just what.

"What's going on guys? It's not every day that you guys drive over from New York. Is there something wrong?" Amy asked.
"I'm going to be a father and you're getting another grandchild," Josh said.
"What? Are you serious? This is amazing," Amy said embracing Josh.
"Whoa Amy. Is Maya the mother?" Alan asked.
"Yeah she is. We found out earlier this week," Josh said.
"How far are you?" Amy asked and Maya gave her the sonar.
"I turned eleven weeks yesterday," Maya said.
"Wow you're far. When did you suspect it?" Amy asked.
"Monday. I've had some issues with throwing up and I didn't think about pregnancy until I stood still and remember the date. A tummy bug wouldn't last that long and I knew something else was going on. I immediately went to Josh and told him what I suspected. We then went to buy a test and it was positive. Two days later I then went to the doctor which confirmed it. Two days later we told my parents and his brother. I told my friends this morning and then Josh told me that we are going to Philadelphia to tell you guys," Maya said.
"Josh do you mind if we talked alone?" Alan asked and the guys went outside.

"Is he in trouble?" Maya asked.
"No. Alan probably just wants to make sure he understands what happens next. How do you feel about this baby?" Amy asked as she sat closer to Maya.
"Nerves but I'm actually getting excited. Who knows. Maybe I'll end up liking it. According to the doctor my due date is late August, early September. So I'll be finished with my sophomore year and after that I'll decide what to do. During the summer I'll figure everything out," Maya said.
"Are you going to drop out or something? To take care of the baby?" Amy asked.
"I'm not sure. Thank you. You are handling this very well and I can't ask for anything better," Maya said.

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