★ | 042. the new boyfriend, supernatural

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 42: The New Boyfriend, Supernatural
Word Count: 599

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 42: The New Boyfriend, Supernatural Word Count: 599

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"Stop glaring at them already." Sam huffed as he looked at his angry and annoyed older brother. Dean didn't take his eyes off of the two males across the room, eyed narrowed and lips pursed.

See, the two he was staring at was his ex boyfriend, [name] and [name]'s new boyfriend, who Dean did not like at all. Why? Because he was still very much in love with the other hunter and had been planning on seeing if they could get back together. They had run into each other on a hunt and Dean thought he was the luckiest person in the world.

That quickly changed when Jacob, the new boyfriend, put an arm around [name]'s shoulders and introduced himself. It really wasn't fair. Dean hadn't been able to get the frown off his face since it happened. "I'm hoping if I glare hard enough, I can erase what's happening in front of me."

Sam sighed, rolling his eyes at his older brother, "can you think of anything to do that would actually be productive."

"Murder." Dean answered bluntly. "It'll be easy. I know where to hide the body. I'm sure [name] will get over it, eventually."

"You're starting to sound a little like a serial killer. Tone it down a bit." Sam hit him on the back a little roughly, trying to break him out of whatever funk he was in. "C'mon, why don't you just focus on the fact that he seems really happy and Jacob doesn't look like a bad guy. He's been nothing but nice to us since we've met, even though you've been a dick to him."

Dean rolled his eyes and crossed his arms childishly, "I know that... but I love him, Sam. I don't want to just give up on him or us... even though Jacob does seem like a nice guy." Why couldn't he have just given Dean a legit reason to hate him? Of course he had to just be a regular happy guy who had captured [name]'s heart. He looked back over at the pair and his frown deepened as he saw just how happy his ex was. He sighed deeply, "you're right. He does look happy. Happier than he ever was with me."

"Dean he loved you more than anything and when you broke up he was devastated but you couldn't expect him to wait around for you to get back together with him." Sam said softly, knowing his words would hurt but they needed to be said. "Just... let whatever happens between them play out and if they don't work out, than tell him you want him back."

It was hard thinking that he should just give up. He didn't want to. He want [name] more than anything but Sam was right. Dean has hurt him emotionally a lot throughout their relationship and if he was happy now, even if it was with someone else, than Dean would let him be.

"Hey guys!" [name] walked over to them, looking between them with a beautiful smile. "Me and Jacob are going to head back to the motel room, so we'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Dean smiled back at him though his eyes held a sadness. "See you tomorrow." He watched him walk out of the bar with his lover and took a gulp of his beer, really just wanting to get drunk.

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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