it's just smut

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So im sick as fuck at the moment so instead of being productive I'ma just write dumb shit (this is really bad)

Corbyns pov

A slight gasp passed my lips as Daniel Climbed onto my lap and roughly pushed me. My back collided with the wood headboard of the bed making it hit the wall. Daniel roughly pulled at my shirt collar "aren't you being quite today". I slightly whimpered and let myself be pulled closer to Daniel. I closed my eyes as he roughly kissed me. His toung completely Dominated my mouth. When he pulled back he lightly bit my bottom lip and gave it a small tug. I opened my eyes a little to look at Daniel. His hair was messy, eyes already clouded with lust. Daniel finally let go of my lip. I tried to calm my breathing down a bit but Daniel didn't stop. I let a soft moan as Daniel started rolling his hips against mine. "Fuck baby I can already tell your so hard for me". I tried to stay quiet but the way Daniel was moving his hips was to good to ignore. "D-daniel
fu-fuck!" Daniel had leaned his head down and started marking my neck. I clawed at Daniels back as he roughly sucked on my sweet spot. We've done this enough times for him to know my weakest points. I let my head fall back as he slightly bit down on my neck. I just let the moans slip out my mouth freely. I swear I could cum just from this, but Daniel probably had more planned for me than just grinding and biting. I whimpered when Daniel abruptly got off of me "quite" I stayed silent wondering why Daniel was suddenly wanting to stop. I heard a knock on the door which explained Daniels sudden silence. "Who is it?" Daniel got up from the bed making me softly whine. I really just wanted to get back to what we were doing. I was suprised when Daniel opened the door. I tensed up a bit concerned about who was going to see me like this. I was quick to relax though when Jonah walked in. I was dating Daniel of course but Jonah often joined us in bed to keep things exsiting. Neither of us had romantic feeling for him and he didn't see us in that way either. The whole threesome thing started on accident but it's become something Daniel and I really enjoy. "Damn you already have corbyn so wrecked and your both still fully clothed". Daniel sat back in my lap and smirked "why don't you come and help us get rid of some of this clothing". In an instant Jonah was on the bed behind Daniel undressing the smaller male. Jonah let his hands roam around Daniels chest and waist. Daniel always loved Jonah's large hands on him. Daniel was getting more excited his hips roughly bucking against mine. I whimpered as he humped me his hips  going down harshly against mine. I spread me legs a bit more giving Daniel better access. Daniel moved up a bit and got on his knees between my legs. He started unbuckling my pants and pulled them down he moved back so he could get my pants off. He discarded them the minute they were off my legs. I watched as Jonah grabbed Daniels waist and pulled him against his chest. I realized Jonah at some point must have gotten his shirt off since it was no longer on his body. I sat up a bit and watched Jonah as he undressed Daniels bottom half. The scene before me was really hot, Daniel being manhandled by Jonah was always a beautiful sight.  Daniel was always so dominate, he loved pinning me down and being rough with me so seeing him submit to Jonah was hot. Daniel was now only in his boxers a clear outline of his dick was obvious threw is tight blue boxers. I whined when Daniel got back between my legs. His hips pressed against mine as he pulled me into a kiss. I felt the bed moving I guess Jonah had gotten up probably to get the lube. "Ugh Daniel where's your lube? I can't remember where you keep it". Daniel pulled back from are kiss to look at Jonah "dresser bottom drawer, its under the red sweater". I placed my hands on Daniels small waist rubbing my thumb over his smooth skin. Daniel roughly grabbed my hair and forced me to look at him "don't try to dominate with me baby". I whimpered a bit from the slight pain in my scalp "I'm n-not trying anything". Daniel let go of my hair and ruffled it "good boy". Jonah finally got back on the bed behind Daniel. The large male placed his hands above mine on Daniels mid section. Jonah pulled Daniel back forcing me to let go of him. I watched Jonah pull down Daniels boxers and get them off him. Jonah still had his pants on even though Daniel was completely naked and I was practically naked. I just watched as Jonah lubed up his fingers and pushed one into Daniel. "Fuck your always so tight" Daniel whimpered as Jonah fucked him with his finger. I've been finger fucked by Jonah before and his hands are really big so it feels amazing. Jonah moved forward and made Daniel move as well "hurry up and get corbyns boxers off before he ruins them". Daniel quickly followed Jonah's order and moved closer to me and pulled my boxers off. I was suprised when Daniel stayed between my legs as Jonah stretched him. I think Jonah already had three fingers in Daniel. Daniel put his head on my shoulder hands gripping my waist. Jonah chuckled a bit when Daniel whimpered "what? Don't like it when your hole is empty?" Jonah must have removed his fingers. I let out a soft moan as Daniel moved his hips a bit so are dicks rubbed together. "Daniel move so I can prep corbyn". I was confused on why Jonah wanted to prep me now since he clearly planned on fucking Daniel first. I moaned when Jonah slowly pushed a finger into me. "I'm guessing you don't need as much prep right?" I quickly nodded my head Daniels gotten me used to little or fast prep since he's often impatient after work. Since he didn't have work he's fine with waiting a bit. Soon Jonah had three fingers in me fucking me open at a fast pace. Soft moans slipped past my lips as I threw my head back. I couldn't help but whine when Jonah pulled his fingers out of me. "Daniel you've been a good boy so how about you fuck corbyn while I fuck you?" Daniel quickly agreed to the idea clearly exsited. We've never done this before so this could be interesting. Jonah had Daniel switch positions with me. Daniel was now laying down head resting on the pillows "hey corbyn could you please get a pillow under Daniels hips?" I nodded my head and grabbed a pillow . Daniel lifted his hips so I could easily slip the pillow under him.  I got on Daniel already knowing I would be riding him. Jonah placed a hand on my waist guiding my hips to Daniels dick. I gasped bad I slowly sunk down on Daniels dick. I had to take a second to get used to the size before I started slowly moving. Daniel had his hands on my waist his grip soft. I kept my bouncing slow since I didn't want to end up Cumming to fast. Daniel gripped my hips tighter as Jonah entered him "fuck j-jonah!

Daniels pov

I let out a loud moan as Jonah started pounding into me, his hips seemed to go at an inhuman speed. The mix of Jonah completely wrecking my ass and corbyns ass around my dick was overwhelming. I stayed on my back moans slipping from my mouth freely. I really felt like I was going to cum already which was embarrassing since it hasn't been that long. I whimpered as corbyn sped up his bouncing "f-fuck baby slow down". Corbyn didn't listen and he kept up his quick pace. In any situation I would punish the boy but I can barely move, my limbs felt like jelly as I got fucked. Jonah was starting to groan more "fuck I wonder how many times I can get you to cum". The thought of cumming multiple times sounded amazing but horrible at the same time. I'm not sure if the sensitivity would end up hurting or if it would just feel good. I Tried bucking my hips up to thrust into corbyn but my movement didn't do to much. I threw my head back a loud moan leaving my mouth as Jonah hit my prostate. I dug my nails into corbyns hips making him whine. I forced corbyn to lean down so I could kiss him. He couldn't keep bouncing as well but he rolled his hips a bit trying to fuck himself on my dick. I clawed at corbyns back as my orgasm built up more "f-fuck gonna c-cum". This seemed to encourage Jonah to speed up still hitting my prostate head on. I hugged corbyn as my orgasm hit. My body shook a bit as I filled corbyn. Jonah didn't slow down even though I had already came. I felt so sensitive as Jonah kept moving my arms fell back down to corbyns waist. Corbyn sat back up and kept bouncing the sensitivity was overwhelming, only soft whimpers and whines were leaving my mouth. The sound of Jonah's groaning and corbyns moaning was music to my ears. Corbyn seemed to speed up his bouncing, his moaning getting more high pitched which told me he was getting close to cumming. Jonah's thrusts seemed to be getting sloppier meaning he must also be close. Corbyn whined as he painted my chest white. After he finished he moved his hips a little more before collapsing on me. Jonah finally came in me a loud groan coming from him. He fucked me through his orgasm which ended up making me cum in corbyn again. Corbyn softly whined his head nuzzling more into my neck. I groaned as Jonah pulled out cum immediately dripping from my ass. "Fuck that's hot" I sighed and held corbyn tighter "Jonah could you go get a damp washcloth for us I think corbyn wants to stay like this for a bit so I can't really move". Jonah luckily didn't question anything and got up. He left the room probably forgetting about the two other males we live with "HOLY SHIT JONAH WHAT THE FUCK!"


I couldn't help but laugh as I listened to that mess unfold. Corbyn seemed to be half asleep but he was still giggling.
I almost lost in when I heard jack


I heard a door open and close, jack must have left his room



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