I Think You're Cute (Austin and Ally OneShot)

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Second Grade

It was in second grade when they first met, Austin had moved to Miami from Colorado because his parents wanted to pursue their mattress business. Austin was beyond nervous; he felt the stares as he walked in the classroom. His white-blonde hair was just a little too long and kept flopping over his eyes, thankfully obstructing the view from all of the students examining him like he was a science project.

                “Everyone!” the peppy teacher whom Austin had met earlier exclaimed, “This is our new student, Austin Moon. Please make sure to welcome him to our classroom.”

                She ushered for him to have a seat next to a girl with brown hair and brown eyes. He sat down, thankful that the teacher didn’t make him say something about himself in front of the class.

                “Hi, I’m Ally and you should get a haircut!” She said and stuck out her hand. Before shaking it, he pushed all of his blonde hair out of his eyes and looked at her.

                “I’ll get a haircut when I want, thank you very much.” He said stubbornly.  Truth be told, he was bugging his mom for weeks to get him a haircut. With the pressure of the move, they hadn’t gotten around to it.

                He looked at the girl carefully examining her coloring page as if it were a delicate flower instead of a second-grade assignment. She carefully picked a green and lightly colored the grass area, paying close attention so she wouldn’t color outside of the lines.

                Her brown hair fell carefully over her shoulders and her eyes were a bright brown in contrast to her light complexion. She was a pretty, as pretty as a second grader could be, that is.

                Austin wasn’t one to really think before he spoke. “I think you’re cute,” he said, before covering his mouth and turning a bright shade of pink. He didn’t mean to say it out loud.

                Sixth Grade

                Austin was excited! It was his first ever dance. He must have stood in front of the mirror for half an hour just trying to get his hair right. He had ditched the long-haired look he had in second grade, but he still had it long enough to be jelled.

                Dez lay on his bed, flipping through a magazine. “Nobody cares what your hair looks like, Austin,” Dez said. It had taken him his normal two seconds to get ready, he threw on the first clothes he found on the floor and ran fingers through his hair.

                Austin made a face in the mirror, checking what it would look like, “Oh, Dez. This is our first dance. It’s a big deal!”

                He rolled his eyes, “You just want to impress Ally,” Dez said. Austin didn’t say anything. “As for me, bacon is all I need,” he said with a satisfied tone as he took a bite out bacon that he pulled out his backpack. Austin grabbed some from Dez’s hand and took a bite, “Come on, let’s go.”

                When they arrived, almost everyone in their grade was there. They spotted Trish and Ally sitting by the water fountain. Ally had on a purple dress and Trish a red. Austin swallowed and went back to the moment in second grade when he saw Ally for the first time.

                “Hi, Ally! Trish…” Dez said as if it was any other day. That’s how he greeted them every morning when they met by the cafeteria. Trish and Dez always had a touchy relationship. He never said her name too enthusiastically in fear of getting punched in the stomach.

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