Chapter 1

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Katie's Pov
I hate school. I hate it. I'm a sophomore in high school. I'm in the principal office with the school Barbie. We got into a fight and I punched her. She poured milk on my head, but since I punched her she's the victim. Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. If you didn't know my parents believe in spanking. I hate it. They are both here. Dad looks pissed. Daddy looks disappointed. Ugh there's the barbie's mom. Mom. A mom. I wish I had a mom. I mean I love my dads but a mom. Must be fantastic. Fuck I got suspended for like a week. Ok we are going home now. Fuck I'm scared. "I am disappointed in you Katie Jones," daddy said. At those words I almost started crying. I hate when they say that. It hurts more than any spanking. "When we park I want you to go straight to your room and to the corner," dad told me. They're probably going to pick my brothers. As soon as we parked I ran straight to my room and went to the corner.
Dad's POV
I am so disappointed in her. She knows better. She got fucking suspended. I know what's going to happen. She doesn't of course. She has never got suspended before. Her brothers have before. The punishment for being suspended is you get the belt on bare. Two times as many days you got suspended. So she would get 14. She has never gotten the belt before. She hasn't got spanked on bare before either. What has she gotten herself into.
Katie's POV
The car just pulled in. I have been in the corner for nearly an hour. Dads coming. I'm scared as hell. "Katie Jones I am really disappointed in you," dad said calmly. "Punching someone really!" he shouted.
Mind you I'm still in the corner. He keeps yelling at me. I am crying already. "Come here Katie,"he tells me. I silently walk over. "Lean over the bed please." I do. He pulls my pants and underwear down. Shit. I can't move as if I do try and escape I'll get double. Fuck I'm scared. I hear him pulling of his belt. This couldn't get any worse could it. He places his hand on my back. Then daddy came busting in the room. "Hunny wait," daddy told dad. I don't know why though. He hasn't done this before. Then I heard something weird. Daddy told dad "let me do it." It was a miracle. It is still going to hurt but just not as much. Okay I just looked back and daddy is coming back with the belt. He put his hand on my back. I hear the belt crack through the air and hear the SMACK before I feel the horrible pain. I don't know how much I can take of this. SMACKSMACKSMACK I am now completely sobbing. This hurts like hell. SMACK SMACKSMACK SMACK That was eight I don't know how many I'm getting but this hurts. SMACK SMACK SMACKSMACK "PLEASE STOP DADDY IM SORRY," I can't help but scream. This fucking hurts. I am a mess. A complete mess. SMACK That was like 13 I don't know anymore. I stopped counting at eight. I have know fallen completely limp. SMACK!!!! "AHHHHHHHHHHH,"I completely fucking screamed that was the hardest most painful smack I have ever heard or received.
Daddy's POV
Seeing my only daughter laying limp over her bed I almost started crying. I promised my husband that I would make her learn so I had to deliver that sharp painful smack. I don't think she will get suspended anytime soon. I sat beside her on the bed and pulled her in my lap. It took like an hour to calm her down. Once I did I stood her in front of me and pulled her pants up. She made a small hissing noise as I pulled her pants over her sore bum. "I love you," I whispered to her. "I love you too daddy,"
Parkers POV
Dad took everyone out while daddy dealt with Katie. I didn't go though. I'm the closest to Katie so hearing her scream like that really hurt me. I gave daddy about an hour before heading up there. I walked in the room to see dads belt laying on the bed and my little sis and Daddy cuddling. As soon as I walked in Katie jumped up winced and ran to me. All three of us went down stairs and watched some movies. Dad and my other brothers came home in the middle of the movie with ice cream and pizza. We had a good night like that.

Sorry for the short chapter. Hope you enjoyed though!😁

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