So, I got tagged...

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I got tagged a few days ago so I will answer the questions here.

1) Weird fact about you

Hmm... I would say that I can draw rather well but I can't really do anything else with my hands. Like, seriously, I'm so clumsy I don't trust myself to carry anything that can be damaged or to do something involving my hands (like cooking... so when I try to I'm nervous and I ask someone to watch what I'm doing).

2) Favorite food

I don't think I have one, I always like trying new things.

3) First fandom

Detective Conan was my first fandom and the serie which made me discover the manga and anime world.

4) Best friends

Sorry, but that's private so I won't give their name.

5) Your current lock screen

A picture of Allen, Kanda and Lavi from D.Gray-man of Katsura Hoshino!
(They are chibis on this picture and they are wearing the 3rd uniform. The background is black).

6) Favorite OTP

Err....I don't really have one.

7) Birthday

In August

8) 5 fears

5 fears? It's an odd question, isn't it? Well, I would say:
- needles
- getting lost (I have no sense of directions)
- forget something (I'm always verifying if I have all I need in my bag. I sometimes feel like an idiot because I verify like 3 or 4 times in less than 10 minutes)
- being late (more when I go to school actually but yeah...)
- (accidentaly) angering someone (because I can express myself in a confusing way and people understand something I didn't mean)

So, it seems like I'm a stressed person...^^'

9) What you look like

Well, I will not make a very detailed description :
- brown hair
- brown eyes
- average height

10) Favorite song

I don't have one, I just listen to whatever I like. It can be a new or an old song, it doesn't matter to me.

11) Why you made your account

I found Wattpad totally by chance on the internet and, after I red a story, I decided to create an account to discover what I could find. And I don't regret it because I find many wonderful stories!^-^

12) Favorite character ever

....I can't choose just ONE! There are way too many characters I like!

And that's it. I also had to tag 20 people but I don't really know much people on Wattpad and the few I know speak French. So, I don't know if they would like to be tagged and answer questions in English (I don't know if I am being clear here...^^'). That's why I won't tag them, sorry.

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