Heavy rain pelted the ground and heavy winds swayed tree branches around like nothing. It seemed Konoha was going through a storm, and it seemed like there wasn't a single car on the road. Sasuke sat in his room, staring out the window. He wasn't enjoying the storm or anything, but he was trying to forget about how strange his girlfriend was acting today. It was very out of character for her; she didn't eat, barely spoke, or even held his hand!
The young Uchiha wasn't mad or anything, after all, everyone has their off days. But this was just really off. He glanced at his phone to see if (Name) had returned any of his five calls. He truly was worried about his bubbly girlfriend, even if his facial expression displayed boredom. This whole situation just felt uncomfortable to him.
He stood up, deciding to ignore the weather and check on her. Sasuke quickly put on a black hoodie and some shoes. He grabbed all the necessities; his phone and keys. He jogged down the stairs, going around Itachi, who was going up. "Where do you plan on going in this weather?"
"To someone important."
"Sasuke, you're foolish if you think-"
"I'll be back for dinner."
With those final words, Sasuke threw his hoodie over his hair and an outside. As he ran, he pulled out his phone (waterproof case) and tried calling (Name) again.
He growled in frustration when she didn't pick up again. He texted her too, but she only read them. Something was very wrong, he felt it. 'Say something (Nickname)...' The boy finally arrived at her doorstep, knocking and praying she would answer the door. Instead, her step-mother did with a perplexed look on her face. "Sasuke..? Did (Name) leave something here?" Now it was Sasuke's turn to look confused.
"...What do you mean?"
"Well, after school she texted me saying that she was with you today. If she's not with you, where could she have gone?" (Name)'s step-mother made a very worried expression. Sasuke, on the other hand, ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Thanks, I'll tell you if I see her."
Sasuke sat on a covered bus stop bench and looked through his phone. Then, it came. A text from (Name). At first, he expected a short apology explaining everything, but it was something more. He felt the whole world stop. It read-
'Sasuke, I'm sorry. I should've told you sooner but I didn't want to bother you or anything. It really got to me, this whole month, Ino has been blackmailing me and I can't do it anymore. I'm sorry, Sasuke. I love you.'
The ravenette opened Snapchat, remembering it's tracking feature. 'Not too far from here.' He thought as he quickly resumed running through the rain, making his way to the pier. As he reached closer, he spotted (Name)'s figure and ran quicker. "(Name)!" (Name)'s eyes widened as she turned her head, teary-eyed. "Sasuke, I-"
"Why didn't you tell me you were hurting?"
His voice had cracked, holding his tears. The last time he cried was when Itachi almost died in the hospital. However, (Name) broke down crying first. "I'm so sorry, Sasuke! I'm a coward!" Sasuke embraced the girl, burying her face in his chest. "Don't you ever think of going out like this. Please."