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As Daniela approached the familiar house, she grew uneasy. It wasn't that it was her first time at Polo's home; it was that it was her first time arriving alone. Previously she'd only ever come over with Carla for parties, or Marina to find Carla. But that was over two years ago, and things were different now.

It was Polo's mothers who met her at the door. Andrea hugged her first, and Begoña began fussing over her immediately after. Dani felt as if she were their long lost daughter, not the former best friend of their son's ex. "Oh, it's so good to see you back in town," Begoña cooed.

"Things have been quieter since you left, it's true," Andrea said. Daniela couldn't argue, she and Marina had been known for stirring up trouble. "How's your mother?"

Dani's smile faltered, and she had to remind herself that her mother had adored both women. They'd been friends before everything happened. They were only asking out of genuine concern. "She's better, the treatments have done so much for her. But it's still too hard for her to travel."

"Oh, one day we'll make it to New York again," Begoña assured her. "We'll have to see your parents when we're there."

"I'm sure they'd love that," Daniela told them honestly. Neither of her parents had spoken much about Spain since they'd left. But Dani had caught her mother looking at family photos with a sad smile, the ones taken on the beach in San Sebastian or at a resort in Cadiz.

"We don't mean to keep you waiting," Andrea said, quickly ushering Daniela toward the dining room. "Polo and Cayetana are waiting. Have a good night, Daniela."

Daniela left the women and ventured into the dining room. It seemed more comfortable than she remembered, with sunny colors and cushioned chairs. But then again, it seemed that everyone here refurnished their homes once a year. Caye was the first to see Daniela and hurried to greet her with kisses on both cheeks. Polo followed behind, looking somewhat more tentative in his approach. Dani gave him a quick hug, and accepted the drink he offered.

"I'm so glad you could make it," Cayetana said, heading toward the table. "I'm afraid I'm not a very experienced host, the last time I tried it didn't go too well." She laughed, a squeaky nervous sound, and turned to Polo as if hoping he'd rescue her.

He obliged, turning the conversation to Dani instead. "Are you glad to be home?"

Daniela nodded. It wasn't entirely a lie. She had grown up here, leaving had been a jolt to her system. Sure, she'd traveled all her life. For the first few months New York had just felt like another vacation. Then one day she'd woken up, and it had hit her. She was never going home again, or at least not to the same home she remembered. Too much had changed. After that, she hadn't left her room for a week.

"Have you two know each other very long?" Caye asked, as their meals were served. She looked like someone's overexcited mother, trying to urge two children to share toys on a playdate.

"All our lives," Dani said.

"Oh, then you must have so many stories to tell," she said, placing her elbows on the table so she could lean in. "What was Polo like as a kid?"

"I hardly remember him before Carla," Daniela admitted. They'd begun dating at twelve, and that already seemed like a decade ago, despite the fact it hadn't been even half as long. "He followed her around like a puppy, it was cute."

Caye's smile faltered a little, but Polo reached for her hand over the table. Her smile returned a thousand-watts. Dani chose that moment to pounce. "I hear you killed Marina." Caye almost choked on her wine. Daniela saw no point in beating around the bush. Everyone was talking about it. It would be more suspect if Dani didn't bring it up.

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