The big move (1)

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"Do we have to go mom?" You say

"Yea we do come on y/n this will be something good for all of us " She said with enthusiasm

" But I don't want to leave all my friends! Bf/n will miss me ! Everyone I know will never talk to me again mom please we can't move! " you argue hoping she will come to her senses and not be so crazy.

All she does is look at you with a weird look and says " y/n it's final no more discussing this. Now finish packing up your room so we can go to the house" and then she walked out .

So you do what your told and you finish packing your room you take all of your books that were on the shelf and put them in a box then all your CDs and you slowly realize that your crying. Your vision is burry and you cant see so you sit and just ball your eyes out. After about five minutes of crying you wipe off your face and start to calm yourself down. So you get up as continue to pack up your whole life. This is the house you grew up in. You can't just leave your whole life behind you take every last thing in that room. You even chip off a pice of paint from the wall and put it in your phone case so you always have a peace of it with you.
Later you're almost at the house
---------------------------------------------you are sitting in the car listing to your music you have it almost all the way up so you can drown out the world and everything that's happening. Your mom reaches back and pulls out one of your headphones so you can hear her .
" y/n this house on the corner on the next block is ours" as you pull away from the stop light

You feel your heart drop. You become cold and pail. You start to quietly weep in the backseat. You turn off your music as you pull in to the driveway. You wipe your eyes and pull your hair up as your dad turns off the car. This is it there's no going back. This is your house now. You won't see bf/n anymore (other then Skype ) you will have to make all new friends. You won't see your other friends for a long time.

As your dad turns the key in the door and turns the handle. the door slowly creeks open and your new life begins.

Hey guys... this is my first fan fiction so tell me your thoughts!!
I will be updating once a week!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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