Zagernbark one of the most powerful creature in this world or at least realm...Hi I'm Nenyako 21 years of life wasted, favourite hobby watching anime, reading manga , playing games. You see my real life or the real world is way too mysterious for me there isn't a clear plot or a program to lead you... your free. You'll get to make your own choices which means mistakes will be made there won't be a reset button that's what I hate. But in this fake society called online it's not better but at least you can reset. I am just 12 I know but I guess it's already too much for me .. I'm way too naïve or fake it's up to you to belive which one I am.7/10/19 9:25 am first introduction to my new class(**************************************************************************) first impressions of this class seems fake ,happy, sad . Two weeks in I hate it. Currently in this friend group called "ANGEL'' more like ''angel LIARS'' dang they backstabbed each other back to back. Honestly it can be quite entertaining sometimes I think we all have Drama Dose in school it's when people create drama for no reason or want to have drama I guess we're all addicted to it. 8/12/19 SexEd hate it especially the videos.ughhhhh SERIOUSLY do we even need it we have the internet and it tells us more information about it. I mean I guess...actually no more of this bye guys
Look forward to my next blog my fakereals
Tune Out!!!!