What Luck!

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The next day the two girls arrived before everybody else and unlocked the doors, turning on the lights and organizing themselves, ready for the day.

Ensuing them after they sat down at their 'desks' was Mr.Hambu. He had expected to see one of his more eager male workers, so at seeing them he glares at them before heading into his office, slamming the door. The two girls glance at one another before working on their papers.

After a short while everyone is at their desks, when suddenly there is a phone ringing heard from Mr. Hambu's office. The two girls glance At each other. Persephone glares at the door while Bareea silently prays its something easy, like finding out who broke the coffee machine!

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, Mr.Hambu walks out, slamming a file onto Bareea's 'desk', making the apprehensive girl shrink back into her stool. Mr.Hambu speaks, "Murder case, 413 Dirk street in ZillySkai," Walking away as Barrea watches in horror, shaking as Persephone wastes no time in grabbing her shaking friends wrist and heading to her car.

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