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Her steps were hurried yet soft. Firm yet graceful.

He never heard her until she was inside. "Hey, I see you're free. Can I come in?"

The pale man looked at the girl in stunned silence, before he collected himself and nodded, smiling softly. "Yes, Eleanor Holland, I presume."

"That's right," she nodded, starting to shut the door behind her. A hand stopped her.

"Can I come in--"

"Fuck off Jesse."

"Oh--" she slammed the door shut right in his face, and turned back to the doctor, tight smile present on her face.

"Yes, Eleanor? How may I help you?" He quickly read through her file before she shut it from the other side of the desk, where she was still standing. "Yes?" His golden eyes turned to her and he seemed surprised as he surveyed her.

"Ella, please," she said dangerously low. Within a moment she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him against the wall. "See, Dr. Cullen," she snarled, "I need your help, but not regarding my health," she released his shirt, straightening it gently as she smiled deviously. "I hear you were a friend of someone I have open business with."

"Ella, I-" he went to place a hand on her shoulder, but she slammed him against the wall again. Carlisle was quite aware from that movement that this girl could kill him. She was obviously, at least, a match to Emmett.

"Start spouting everything you know about Caius and I will spare your life."


After assuring Ella he was no harm to anyone around him, Carlisle Cullen went as far as inviting the girl to his house so they could calmly discuss her plans with the Volturi.

Ella agreed, only because she realized the rest of his Coven would be there and she'd have a chance to rip them apart.

"I'm coming too." Jesse told her as she threw her hair in a ponytail, about to leave the motel room.

"You could be used as leverage against me. You and I both know that when it comes down to saving your ass or killing a bunch of vampires the choice is clear. And I will beat myself up over it. So just fuck off."

"Ella! I'm your older brother, I have responsibilty--"

She growled as she pressed him against the wall. "You're human. You're weak. You will die. Your blood won't be on my hands."

"You'll get hurt--"

"The moon reaches its apex in four hours. Trust me, I'll be safe."

Jesse stayed there as she took off, looking at the empty room.

She was on a suicide mission, that much he knew. But walking into a Vampire coven at the night of a full moon-- she was asking for a beating.

"Be safe, Tweety."

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