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Everything stopped. People were stood like statues all around me! People in cars. Men on bicycles. Babies in prams. All lifeless. Frozen in time! Everyone except for me. Why am I the only one not stuck. Why am I the only one...Moving? Why is everyone frozen except for me? Who has damned this town to this curse. 

Well I'll tell you. It all started about a week ago. I was just sitting in my living room like normal flipping through the channels on TV and nothing looked good so I turned the TV off. I grabbed my dog and went on a journey in the outside world. 

As we were walking, I noticed that we weren't in town anymore. We were surrounded by trees. There was this door in the middle of the trees. The sign by it read: "DO NOT ENTER! KEEP OUT! DANGER!! ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!" I didn't pay much attention to the sign. I took my dog in my arms and opened the door and......

*Poof* I was in another dimension. Not one that we know to be true but it was a completely new and unexplored dimension. Everything here was more dim and everything was either red or purple. I then saw sparks forming in the distance and I started to run the opposite direction and ran right back through the door. And that brings us back to today where everyone but me is frozen in time. I brought this curse upon my town. I am the only one who can unwind it. 

After realizing that I am the only one that can unwind this curse scares the living shit out of me.  It makes me want to fucking scream.  I then pick up my dog and then went back home and kept him safe. I kept on thinking "Oh GOD what did I do. I shouldn't have gone through that door. I have damned my town to hell." I then went back to the forest and went back through the door.  I knew I had to fix what I did. I just didn't like the way I would have to fix it. I would have to make a sacrifice. I will have to sacrifice a loved one.  Knowing that I have no family left except my sister and my dog I am not looking forward to this. 

The first thing I saw when I walked through that door was my dog and my sister.  My sister was tied to a chair. My dog was in a kennel. The sign next to them read "CHOOSE ONE OR BOTH WILL DIE!" I didn't want any of them to die. But my sister has been a bitch to me recently so I choose her. 

All I saw and heard after that was a scream from my sister and her being dragged by her long blonde hair. All I saw was her eyes bleeding. All I could see was fear. All of a sudden I see her being torn apart limb by limb. Blood splattering everywhere. The walls are slowly turning from white to red. A deep red. 

The screaming had suddenly stopped. The room filled in a deep red. All I can hear now is children crying and laughing.  I can hear someone faintly saying my name. "Kai." I now know what I have gotten myself into. I quickly try to run the other way but then I felt my body jerk back and a hand grasping my ankle. I feel myself jerk backwards and I can feel myself being dragged across the room. 

Everything is pitch black. I was knocked out. I start to wake up and my leg is in pain. I lift up my pant leg and see scratches. They are still bleeding. I get up and continue forward and start limping because I know if I don't continue all of the shit that is going on is going to keep on happening. I get to the second part of the quest witch is I have to commit to my biggest fear so I sighed and said "My greatest fear is traveling alone on the ocean." I then got thrown across the room and was knocked out again.

I wake up and feel the back of my head witch is now bleeding uncontrollably.  I feel a hand on my ankle yet again and then I feel weightless and I open my eyes and I am in the air on my way to the final stage of breaking the curse. 

I get up and I read the last sign witch says "You now have to sacrifice yourself and your last loved one."  This shit is messed up.  I have to sacrifice myself and my loved one to save people I don't even FUCKING care about? This is BULLSHIT! I just should have not entered that door in the first place. I now have to end my perfect life just to save other peoples lives. 

HELL NO!! I start running the opposite direction and... I'm stuck! NO! WHY NOW!?! I hear a evil laugh behind me. 

"HA HA HA. I have you now. All I have ever wanted is to get back at you for breaking my heart!"

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