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"Skelly, come down here!" Dad called from downstairs.

I came out of my room and slid down the banister of the stairs, landing right on my feet. "Yea--?" I began, but I was caught by the element of surprise. Around the room was a bunch of Christmas decorations, with Zero sleeping in his bed under a Christmas tree.

"Yeah...?" I muttered.

"Did you like my Christmas intro?" Dad asked, smiling. He was hiding something behind his back.

"Uh...yeah, yeah," I said. "Yeah, it Interesting. You got that crowd excited with the Sant--I mean, um...Sandy Claws thing."

"That wasn't the point, but okay," Dad said. "I have something for you." He pulled his hand from behind his back.

In his big bony hand, I saw the present he had been trying to explain at the town meeting. No wonder he was being so protective of it!

"The box is a little damaged, but hopefully the gift itself isn't," Dad said.

I smiled at him and took it. I stared at it for a moment. While I had read about the Christmas holiday, I'd never actually gotten a Christmas gift. Obviously...

"Go on, open it," Dad urged. He seemed pretty excited.

I untied the bow and unwrapped the box. Inside was another box. I opened that box and found yet another box. I looked at Dad curiously.

"Are you trying to troll me, mister sir?" I demanded.

"No...well, yes," Dad laughed. "But the gift is in there. Just keep opening the boxes."

There was another box inside another box inside another box, and finally, I reached the smallest one. It was small enough to fit one of Zero's treats inside it. It was green and red with white stars on the lid. I pulled the lid open.

"Whoa," I whispered.

I saw a necklace with what looked like the North Star on it.

"Do you like it?" Dad asked hopefully.

"Yes, I love it," I said. "It's beautiful." I hugged him. "Thanks, Dad," I said. I pulled away from him and put my fists on my hips. "But it wouldn't have been damaged!" I teased. "Who puts a box inside a box inside a box?"

"I do," Dad chuckled. "Here." He took the necklace from me. I turned around and pulled my long black hair away from my neck, and I allowed him to hook the necklace onto me.

"You wanna know who had that first?" Dad asked.

"Who?" I asked, smiling.

"Your mother."

I was struck with the element of surprise again. My mother had passed away years ago, when I was just a baby. Dad never went on looking for anyone else. He was too busy anyhow. He and I didn't even know how she died.

"I...I miss her," I said.

"I miss her too," Dad sighed. "But personally I think she'd be proud of you."

"Why?" I asked. I can't live up to you... I thought.

"You're so full of ideas," Dad said, "and you're quite independent. You're a lot like her, you know."

"I...I am?" I asked.

"Yes," Dad replied. "That necklace makes you look even more like her. Although..." His voice trailed off.

"What?" I asked.

"Never mind," he said. "You know what? I need to figure out this whole Christmas thing."

I kept my mouth shut. I knew just about everything there was to know about Christmas. I wanted to tell Dad that I could help him, but I didn't speak out about it. What if he got mad? And what did he mean by "although"?

The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin Princess - Fanfic Story 1Where stories live. Discover now