A Finale Begins

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  I was able to get some good sleep that lasted for sure over a couple hours. Though, I was the first to wake up out of our little quartet. Out of us all, I was more than likely the shape that had gotten more sleep than the others. Pilot had been flying in mid-air for hours straight, and then carried two shapes at once. Sailor had probably been swimming around and exploring more than anything. S.C. is self-explanatory. Again it was debated to go into those weird pink circles or not. I decided, again, to wait for the others as to not cause panic. 

So most time was spent just sitting there half asleep. 

 Pilot was the first of the three to wake up. It seemed to take her a bit to fully wake up, which is understandable. Immediately her attention was on me, me being the other woken shape. I went over to her quietly and sat down. The both of us just kinda sat there, not saying anything but taking time to fully take in the situation. It was inevitable that everyone had figured out that either I'm gonna, somehow, kick Blixters ass or vice versa. I hope its the first option. 


 Pilot jumped when the noise came all of a sudden. A bit spooked she looked over at me.

"D-did you hear that?" She asked.

More soft pits, pitters, and patters were heard. Now I was concerned. But a realization hit me quickly.

This was the sound of rain. Rain colliding with metal.

"Hey, it's just rain," I assured Pilot. She made an oh-I-didn't-think-of-that expression, but looked a lot more calm. All of us were on edge.

The rain picked up, but it wasn't hard. It was the calming rain that made you feel all relaxed. Which was nice at this moment. I wondered how all the Corrupted were about the rain. Maybe they were outside doing some important pink shape thing. They don't seem to care about a single fucking thing besides orders from a high status, so why should I care about it? Blixter might like it, or not. Same goes for the other thinking corrupted. Did they even know that two pieces of the tree of life were purified? They might've.

Both of us just enjoyed the rain before the others woke up. Sailor was next, who was a bit confused by the sudden noise. S.C. was the last to wake up, and it was just suddenly, too. I just looked back at where he was to check and him and he's casually sitting there. The little triangles fluttered up when he saw me look at him. 

I will never understand this shape. But I love him with my entire being. 

 Once we all got together, I decided it was time to tell them all.

"So," I began when everyone's attention was on me, "I saw some weird-ass pink circles over towards the left. Last time I saw one of them I was transported into some black void like place. So I'm assuming that'll happen once I make contact with them."

"What's important about 'em?" Sailor asked.

"If I'm right, when I made it out f the first one, I had a pure triangle. We could most definitely use them to get into Blixter's tower, I bet. So, I'm gonna go into them."

"So, why didn't you wake us up to tell us?" This time Pilot asked.

"Because you all seemed tired as hell and needed a well-deserved rest. Plus I waited when you woke up to not give you panic attacks."

They all realized, S.C. looking thankful that I didn't just walk into where the pink circle leads to. But I bet you an entire stack of cash that he's worried for me.

 I mean, thank you for protecting me, but is this much required? Probably, because of how reckless I am. 

After a bit I went over to the first one that I saw. I was about to touch it when I heard a shout, "You best not die in there, Cyan!" From S.C. I turned to him and gave him a thumbs-up, then made contact with the circle into, I don't know, just somewhere.

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