Chapter One

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You woke up terrified. In all honesty- you didn't know what you had expected. It wasn't like it was going to go smoothly anyways. Not when you woke up on a strange bed with white sheets that made your eyes hurt. The room around you was cold and unfamiliar, and even though it seemed to have somewhat of a homey atmosphere, it still wasn't yours.

You weren't drunk the other night. You didn't drink alcohol. In fact- you had sworn against it after you saw what it could do to affect people negatively. You weren't of age and you had someone else to take care of. Speaking of which- where was your brother?

You were here- in this strange room, scared out of your wits and without any memory of the day before, so where was your brother? Was he taken somewhere else? Were the two of you kidnapped? Nothing made sense.

You tried to focus on everything around you. It was an infirmary of sorts. One that you would normally find in a school or maybe a glorified daycare. There were two beds, with you on the one closest to the wall and a dark blue curtain separating you from the rear of the room. A large poster hung on the wall in front of you, showcasing someone who looked vaguely like blonde, buff superman.

You had no clue why someone might have given him a poorly done dye job, but you couldn't bring yourself to question it. It only took a few moments to figure out that the person on the poster wasn't superman. It was a character from an anime you could've swore you watched in your early high school years. You didn't recall his name, but you vaguely remembered that he was someone important.

Why an anime poster be hanging in a school nurses office was beyond you. Perhaps whoever was in charge was fond of the show and wanted to decorate to give the kids something to look at. Nothing seemed too far off. It was almost normal, even if it wasn't where you were supposed to be.

But that didn't make you any less scared. Regardless of the familiar poster, you were still in an unknown location. Your anxiety only grew worse when you noticed the utensils on the cart next to you. The idea of this place being a school was quickly thrown out the window at the sight of a scalpel. What kind of school required a scalpel? and a drill? Was this a hospital? Why would you be in a hospital?

If there were tools next to you, then did that mean that someone had performed surgery? You quickly raised a hand to your head, heart beating out of your chest as you felt around for bandages that (thankfully) weren't there. You let out a breath of relief, and went to undo the top of your footie pajamas when you realized that you were no longer wearing them. Instead, you were dressed in a plain white shirt and some grey sweatpants that might have once been considered soft.

You started panicking all over again. The constant switching between being anxious and somewhat calm wasn't healthy for your mental state, and you quickly felt your breath picking up as tears stung against the back of your eyes. Someone had changed your clothes for you. Someone had potentially performed surgery on you. How they had done it without leaving a wound was beyond you, but there was still the possibility and it drove you insane.

Or maybe they hadn't done anything yet, but we're planning to. Maybe that's why the tools had just been left out carelessly. It was almost like you hadn't been expected to wake up yet.

Someone's going to hurt you, a voice crooned in the back of your head. Someone's going to come through that door and hurt you. They're going to do something to you and you're never going to come back from it. They'll hurt you and then you'll die and never see your family again. You're never going to be able to go home. They're going to hurt you they're going to hurt you they're going to-

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