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{This right here is going to be Ari Fairygodmother}

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{This right here is going to be Ari Fairygodmother}

Narrator POV
Today is a rather an peaceful day on Earth. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping 🐦 🎶, and—

Rose POV
"OMG!!! Where is my uniform!" I screamed as I was looking through my whole closet. My mom came in through the door and I do not know which she was feeling, Dazed or Angry.

Claire's Mind😏

Claire POV

Rose POV
Seeing my mom just now, I knew she wasn't kidding. So after FINALLY finding my uniform I went downstairs, told my dad goodbye, and went with my mom to the alleyway. My mom didn't trust me with the key so she stated that she would open the gate from now on. I was a little disappointed cause I loved falling through the sky. Oh well 😔

Claire: "Key of Portals open wide, In your power I can find, Manifest the light inside"

Rose POV
The doorway to Regal Academy appeared, and me and my mother went inside. We were rushing to the Grand Hall to see what was the important announcement that Granny had to make.

Headmistress Cinderella POV
" Welcome students to another year at Regal Academy. I know our first two-years were tough with all these villain attacks, but me and the other teachers had took our time to increase the amount of security at the school, and hopefully we will be able to keep things safe." I started looking around and saw the specific person I was looking for. "Rose? Can you please come up on stage I want to introduce you to someone I would like you to befriend and show her the way."

Rose POV
I don't know why Granny picked me specifically, but either way I agreed to everything that my Grandmother asked me to do. Though, nothing could prepare me for who I was seeing coming through the door. Her hair was a light blonde with blue on the ends, and she had bangs that were an inch away from her eyes. At first glance I thought she was a year younger than us not understanding what Granny meant by me having to show her around and make her feel comfortable since she wasn't going to be in our group. But little did I know....

Hawk POV
I was wondering why Rose was called up since she really did nothing over the past few months. I looked over at Astoria to see what she thought about this, but all I could see was her biting her nails to the point where there was none to bite on.

Narrator POV
Hawk: "Astoria are you feeling ok?"

Astoria: " Huh?!, Oh um yes! Well.... I don't know what was so important to where only Rose had to go up on the stage. I mean we also saved the school! We risked our lives fighting the Snow Queen, but it could mean...OH NO WHAT IF ROSE IS GOING TO BE SWITCHED TO ANOTHER TEAM!!!"

The Map to the Soul {Regal Academy}Where stories live. Discover now