The Confession Inside Of The Argument

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Ring, Ring! Hey, how ya doing? Let's get some shipping fuel on! All your comments say for an opinion causing doubt in friendship, so you called I'm giving it! With how this story still is in its beginning chapters I am estimating that there is going to be.... up to 100 or more lol. Whew just thinking about it has got my scheduled worried welp hopefully with 20+ chapters I will get some more reads at the latest. Thank you corona for the dream fuel!!!! Now onto-

Hawks morning routine????

Quick note: You are not obligated to watch the videos they are not important just wanted to promote some of my favorite girl groups songs. This video is one of my childhood beats lol but now looks so cringey just looking at the makeup and expressions XD.

Hawk POV

Having woken up to the screeching sound of, what Rose liked to call it, an alarm. Whoever made this horrible box of magic I hate you to the bottom of my soul. Either way, I checked the alarm seeing that the time was 2:01 a.m. I walked out of the bedroom and checked Ari's room to see if she and Joy got disrupted by the sound having seen they were still sound asleep. I made a sound of relief and walked up the bathroom getting the toothbrush we had just recently bought. While I squirted the toothpaste onto the navy blue brush I looked up into the mirror. I saw a gleaming, perfectly gorgeous, face looking back at me. Hmm, maybe mirror Hawk has made it onto earth better luck trying then ignoring the signs.

Hawk: "So, how did you make it onto the earth? Did my granny send you or was it the headmistress?"

Of course, there was no response. I must be still sleepy if I think my mirror counterpart had traveled to earth successfully without getting caught in between since magic is not permitted on earth.

Hawk: "You know it gets lonely without having you to call me out for all my imperfections. I am guessing Granny had freed you so then you could marry any Princess she chose and cover up the fact that I was missing. Even though she does all that we both know that deep inside her soul she is just trying to cling onto anything that could remind her of me..."

Spitting out the toothpaste, I then turned on the faucet, cleaned my face, and turned the faucet that was connected to the tub. I left the bathroom and left the water to run, and the reason for me doing this was to be able to come back with my towel and be able to dip into a steaming hot bath to be able to relax and clear my thoughts away. Walking back to the room I opened the closet door. The walk-in closet was rather huge considering that it was located inside a small cottage. As a kid, I enjoyed playing hide-n-seek in the house because it had a lot of secret hiding places that I could fit into. One of the hiding places had a secret passage leading to the closet and another led to the backyard. Sliding open a compartment for shoes I pushed away some boxes and revealed myself an out of place wallpaper. I ripped the wallpaper off (not completely) to then see a smile creep on my face.

Hawk: "So you still stayed here, huh?"

Grabbing a dusty owl plushy and get up from my crouching position and walking to the bathroom after snatching a towel from the dresser.

Being narrator has bonuses.... shield my eyes must respect other's privacy. Reading this to others has just made it worse then pictures! I must describe Hawk's body looking like a baby.... yea that should save some of the innocence of the readers. So imagine a baby taking a bath for when I describe this next part :}

Opening the bathroom door I laid down the owl plushy on the sink. I am going to have to wash him after I'm done with this bath. I-

I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE TIME SKIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -faints-

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