~ Chapter 14 ~

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2019 - The 124 Liner's ~Doc. Series, Rolling with it~ Interview

Interviewer: The 124 Liner's have landed back in LAX, only less than an hour ago! Still chasing down work they need to complete. The four teenagers have come back from a long few months of travelling, touring and performing their biggest hits while meeting millions of adoring fans along the way, but, believe it or not, all their hard work still hasn't come to an end. Although it may seem as if they've finished touring, they still have one last show to work through. Later tomorrow morning, the teens will be heading off to the famous Rose Bowl Stadium, taking their time to rehearse and familiarise themselves with the large stadium, even though it's not their first time performing at the venue. With me being curious to know more about their nonstop work, we've asked CAA if we can meet the popular teens and ask them a few questions about them being known as The 124 Liner's and them as individuals. Since one of the members has been signed as a solo artist back in 2015, my curiosity has taken a massive hike to the man in charge. So of course, Kevin Huvane, the President of CAA, was more than happy for us to drop by. 

*Skip to the interviewer sitting in the studio with The 124 Liner's*

Interviewer: Wow... look at you lot.

The 124 Liner's: *Laughing lightly*

Interviewer: You know, considering you guys are just teenagers, you guys are quite intimidating. Though, from what I've heard, you guys think that being intimidating is a good thing, am I right? *The 124 Liner's nodded while giggling quietly, earning a little laugh from the interviewer himself* Now, it's only been an hour, or possibly less, since you all landed, how are you all feeling?

Kousuke: I'll admit that I'm a bit tired, and I'm sure the others could agree, but I feel good. If I wasn't tired then I would be concerned *He grinned*. 

Interviewer: Why would you think of it as concerning?

Kousuke: Well I would see that as an indicator that I haven't been working hard enough, that I haven't exactly put in all my efforts. 

Interviewer: You take your work seriously, don't you?

Kousuke: Definitely! We've promised each other, and ourselves, that when we debuted as a group we would prioritise ourselves, that we would do what was needed and if we have some time left over we would take a break. 

Interviewer: And that's what amazes me the most. You guys are so driven to finish what's necessary and what's important, even if the task is small or big you guys are so focused.

Olivia: Being... centred... in a place like this, in America, is quite... difficult... so we kinda have to be focused. Many other... experienced artist, artist who've had many years before us to perfect their work, see us as just... teenagers. As much as we are a group of teenagers... we're musicians just as much.  

Interviewer: I don't mean to be rude, by all means, but what is it you're trying to say here Olivia?

Olivia: We've debuted at a young age, meaning it's hard for us to be taken seriously by those who have a lot more experience in this line of work, and we knew that it was going to be like that from the moment we stepped onto the stage as solo artist... from when we first debuted all those years ago *laughing slightly*. We work hard for many reasons... first reason is because of our fans and family back home, we would never want to disappoint them... second reason is because we, ourselves, want to do well and achieve what some adults and other teenagers think is impossible or unreachable... and the third reason is because we want to prove to other artist that we mean business *laughing slightly*, In the nicest way possible of course *still laughing slightly*.

 Sophia: Many people might've heard about us... but... they might not fully understand us or the work we do. We don't expect everyone to listen to the music we make... we just want people to realise that we are in a line of work that needs to be taken seriously... and that it's open to anyone and everyone, no matter their age... their gender... their race. We just want to be seen as people... people that enjoy the work they do without giving people the idea that we're just a let down... 

Interviewer: A let down?

Sophia: ...The older generation especially see's us as nothing but... dreamers. To them that's a let down.

Interviewer: I must say now that there are many people world wide that think of you guys as nothing but brave and inspiring... me included. Your fans are concerned for you, for your health and well-being, did you know that? They have started to question CAA if they are going to give you guys a longer break, would you guys be open to that idea? And don't take it personally... they love you dearly, that's why they're doing this.

Nate: ...We're not... ready for a break... really.

Interviewer: I think what you're trying to say is that you don't know how to take a break *Laughing a little* am I right?

Kousuke: Like Olivia said before... we work hard for many reasons... even if it is for our own enjoyment, a reason Olivia didn't mention. So, for now, there's hasn't been any structured plan for us to take a break. 

Interviewer: Your decision, as a whole, is to stay close to the work you produce? *They are all nodding in agreement*  When was the last time you all had break, if  you don't mind me asking?

Olivia: Since 2016, the year we debuted, we haven't really had a break, and if I'm being completely honest, I'm not all that upset about it. That goes along from the moment I debuted as a solo artist as well.

Interviewer: It's apart of your contract for each of you to have at least two weeks off each year, what do you do in those two weeks then?

Nate: For those of us who are still in school, we travel back to our home country so we can go to school. Though, out of all of us, Kousuke is the only one that has graduated, but he decides to stay behind here in LA to practice his instrumental work.

Interviewer: So you guys don't really have the opportunity to have a full day off? You don't have a chance to kick back and relax?

Olivia: Well... I mean... on the flight back to Australia I get a good fourteen hour sleep *everyone started to laugh after what she said, including herself*

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