Chapter 13: how do i put this

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About 10 seconds later you were face to face with jack. Your cheeks were a light shade of red as you stared into his heterochromatic eyes.   You leaned forward trying to push your self closer before a painful reminder in your side made you drop back down onto the Mattress.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry I forget that your probably super sore!" Jack exclaimed helping you re-adjust after your small crash down.

He went to pull away before you snatched his hand. He raised an eyebrow.

"Are we not going to talk about what just happened?" You asked loudly before quickly quieting down.

"Well I kissed you what else is there to say about it?" Jack asked lightly shrugging his shoulders.

"Why?" You asked forcing yourself up into a sitting position.  Jack immediately tried to get you to lay back down but you weren't budging.

"Ugh I don't know..just...just lay back down!" Jack muttered.  You could see his neck flush under his mask. He was blushing.

You put your hands on the sides of his face and made him look at you. He seemed frustrated, embarrassed and annoyed all at the same time. His eyes held dark bags under them and you could see stress lines on his face. Though he still looked absolutely handsome.

"I care about you a super a lot" you told him a light blush sprinkled on your cheeks.  His expression softened into what could almost be called a smile.

His hand moved up to yours and pulled them off his face. He sat there holding you hands in his. In comparison to your hands his were extremely warm. You felt slightly embarrassed with how cold your hands probably felt to him.

"You extremely stubborn." He told you leaning his head back and sighing softly.  It was your turn to shrug.

He let go of one of your hand and lifted his on hand to brush a strand of hair out of your face.

"You know....this is kinda awkward." You said with a small laugh.

"How?" He asked raising a corner of his lip into a smirk.

"We're like two teenagers trying to confess to each other....also you kinda just standing above me." You told him scooting over and patting the bed with your free hand.

Jack chuckled before taking a spot next to you.  "You know I have important ceo things I should be doing." Jack told you with a slight raise of his eyebrow.

"I'm not keeping you here. You can go ahead and go..." you tell him pulling your knees up to your chest finally adjusting to the now somewhat sore feeling in your side.

Jack made a face at the mere suggestion. "Ehhhh don't really want to deal with that yet...." he told you looking out of the corner of his eye.

You giggled slightly before your smile faded. Where was Rhys?.

"Jack...what happened to Rhys?" You ask quietly. The entire mood shifted with that one question.

Jack gritted his teeth before looking into your eyes with a huff.

    "He escaped...I was kinda in a rush to get you to the infirmary that he slipped away...he probably is in about the same amount of pain you are though."

You felt your body tense. He probably wants you deader than jack used to be at this point. "Lovely" you choke out.

You throw your legs over the side of the bed and force yourself up. You wobbled for a second before a firm arm wrapped around you keeping you steady.

You pulled off the thick yellow sweater you were wearing and tied it around your waist leaving you in a black tanktop.

You looked up at the obviously y'all and obviously handsome male.

"How do I put this jack...." You began starting to head forward shakily.

"I want Hyperion to rise so god damn high that puny little atlas is nothing. Then I want to smash what's left of rhysie's little company to bits." You hummed. 

You didn't even have to look to know a huge smirk was covering jacks face.

"Hey it'll be me and you baby." Jack purred before placing a kiss on your lips.

This was it. You weren't a weak little girl anymore. You were the one with a buzz saw.

And you were about to make some cuts.

"annoying prick".  (handsome jack x reader)Where stories live. Discover now