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You get ready to go on the date with Remus when James asks why are dressed up on your way out you say I'm gonna get milk and the mail. No you're not. Fine I'm gonna go on a date BYE. No you're not. Yes I am. You're grounded. So are you I'll tell mum you are gonna sneak out to hangout with Sirius. You wouldn't says James. Oh I would. Fine but no sex what so ever you must be a virgin for ever. James you aren't my boss. No but the other 7 are. Do you even know there names. Shut up. BYE Jamesy. You climb out the window. Then you run to Remus's house. He took you to a restaurant then you two went for a walk. Then you go home James tells you that you were out to long. So you go to your room. (Not joking brothers are like this in real life)

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