Thoughts from beyond {First trip}

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Over Thinking, constanly sinking into a ground unknown colapsing into wave of mystery a crowd unknown sticking to what you know never came to say or know a mystical reality so caught up in the reality over thinking is my speciality

ready to sink from the canpoy exploring my visuallity exressing my viewality so caught up in this space all in my face i just wanna spit and write and serve the right all i see is the flow of an exterior motive all i see is questions sinking

into an obesssion thinking it to much to go , should i go deeper into my mind i go sinking so far explode. ready to explore such an open thought such an express noun the picture flowing the ink is coming the mystery burning the

i sink falling down within letting myself just vent so open to explore just expressing myself in the way i find a way to fit in to seek my place im just overwhelmed and trying to find the time to read this thing called life

i wanna explore get down to know more searching through my mind and open parigrim? i feel much better still trying to make things better still discovering myself and trying to make things better my mind at ease learning

always trying to teach connect create learning im so open to explore my mind in a new frame just enjoy and feel and be ready for what the world has come to steal given an oportunity or is it something else lurking behind what could be

the amazing thing you seach for or just another turn into darkness into missoury why let youself be in a harmful frame of mind i just wanna think about the choice before i make it do i wanna explore this amazing wonderul crazy place in

the mind of wonder or do i go with a forced path down a lane of mystery and reliving a time of symetry i just wanna unravell the mystery inside my head im always wondering what could have been said im always concering why can i help

this way instead, i wanna ventrure and explore but im forced down this crazy lane of no guide just feels best i wanna see and feel whats best and amazing the flow of my heart and my mind should fit with everything else

im still finding a way to say what i want because i can explain things and i think people say im crazy when i do. i see the pages type like its a window and the empty is just dirt waiting to be dusted off for what lie underneath

all that crazy beauty and wonder all those thoughts always under the surface just waiting to say you overwhelm yourself and you enjoy it you overthink and act like you dont deserve it always concered about others and not sure how to show them always hard to explain but easy to maintain my words are just a mystery rambling on to something ill forget next week. could search for more but all i would find is just another open door your too scared to walk in

Stand up lets see whos talking you were close to the edge well guess who just dropped in still searching for something i cant speak mind in a flurry all i can is think on and on i go down the weird lovely flow so determined and yet so careless

WHY CARE i care but i make sure they dont think i do. i cant change the way i feel just the view in which i use i cant explain theres to much that remains all i can do is open my mind to a whole mystery as a world begins. you can just flow through life but why not guide the flow, small influences making a larger impact on the way down in life isnt that what its all about you always searching in your mind only now to discover what you didnt have all along was yourself

and your understanding to play along putting yourself together was the next step just exploring my mind and searching through time always under constantly aware of thunder only to embrass it you know what you fear isnt there so you just take it theres no point to it so just stare just stare into the abyss of such a new imaginiatime flow theres shapes and lines and words all around in my head just looking for a way out my pen my page my screen my rage in search of some kinda motion a sense of explanation is all i need just to keep me going because i can relate to why you go so why not find what i need because you cant its all just a flow imagining a new way to escape this place all i want is to what all i want is to what, why when i type those words do i not know why do i pause why cant i just go why cant i have anything. finding a way to see just to experience i always try to say i know when its okay not to. nobody is perfect and its escpecially not you

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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