Annual Penske Games

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"Alright L/N, you did good today. Just make sure you breathe during your workouts" said my personal trainer Darren. "Yeah, I know. It's just difficult sometimes." Being a 5" tall girl shouldn't really be an issue, but when you're currently the only female driver in the NASCAR Cup Series, you're pressured to push your physical health to its absolute best. "Don't sweat it, oh and by the way Lenny called, he wants you to head down to HQ and be prepared to film." Darren told me as I was packing my gym bag "Oh wow, film for what?" "I think it'll be more exciting if you found out yourself, but don't stress on it, it's only a YouTube video." "Oh gotcha, so like a promo video." "Kinda, you'll see" I waved and turned to Darren halfway across the gym floor. "Fun, See you soon Darre bear." I smiled while walking out when I heard him shout "don't call me that!" I just chuckled and made my way to my car.

A couple of things you should know about me are; I'm the only female on the NASCAR Cup Series, I'm a driver for Team Penske, It's my first year racing for NASCAR's cup series, I'm 22 years old and I'm very much single, even though I work with all males.
As soon as I had gotten to Penske I was bombarded by a team of people that were clearly rushing to get me camera ready. One person was styling my hair, another was doing light makeup. I have to admit without sounding egotistical, I'm pretty attractive. I have healthy shiny Y/H/C hair, bright Y/E/C eyes with shades of gold, my skin is clear and glowing, perfect pout pink lips, and despite being short I have a healthy body with natural curves to prove my femininity.

All of that being enhanced by 70% by the group of strangers. After being airbrushed, another person handed me a brand new fire suit, fitted specifically for me and topped off with my brand new sponsor, Klondike. It was a nice change from my matching Shell-Pennzoil suit with Joey Logano. I don't really talk to my fellow teammates, not out of tension or anything, I was just still the new girl so I didn't really mind it. Seconds after walking out with the suit on a crew worker came over and told me to go outside. When I walked out I immediately noticed a huge waterslide. Dumbfounded, I walked over to where all my coworkers were.

"What the actual heck, Nancy, what is all this?!" NancyMae, or Nancy for short, is one of the workers for the Penske Publicity Team. When I first started not that long ago Nancy was the first person that fully tried to get to know me so she quickly became one of my best friends. She's a sweet southern belle from the North Carolina coast, 5'6, slim, blonde hair, and green eyes. "Hope you don't mind getting wet" she giggled "It's time for the first video of the annual Penske Games" "Penske Games? What're you talking about" I muttered

"L/N! Get over here!" Barked Lenny. "Gosh Leonard, no need to be so polite, it's only me" I said as I reached where he was by the waterslide. "Sorry Thumbelina, stressful first day of shooting." He said while directing a camera crew where to set up, all of them wearing ponchos. "Lenny what's going on?" I asked my leadership manager. "I was getting to that, so Y/N, every year we do this short YouTube series that keeps the fans entertained. It's basically like a little game show, all the drivers participate, the games are ridiculous but hilarious to watch. So if you will please join the boys over there I'll explain the first game to all of you" I nodded, an obvious nervous look on my face "look it'll be fine, it's a great way to let the fans see your personality off of the track. Besides, you need to interact with the boys more, you're a team remember. They're nice guys, annoying but good" I laughed. They were indeed annoying, not in a bad way. They loved to bring laughter to the company by doing fun little antics that made me chuckle. "Thanks Lenny" with a quick side hug I made my way to the boys.

I had only had short conversations with them, they were really nice but being new and on top of that a girl I wasn't really included in their shenanigans. I had only really gotten along with Joey, he was almost like an older brother figure that would give me great advice. "Hey Joey!" I smiled when I reached the guys "Woah look at that suit Thumbelina!" He smiles back "Don't call me that!" I glared back "But it's fun to see you upset, you're like that baby tree thing from the superhero movie." Rolling my eyes Brad Keselowski walked up "you mean baby Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy, even I know that Joe. Nice suit L/N, excited about the new sponsor?" "Yes sirrr, I think things are coming along" I was cut off with Lenny calling places. Chatter among the drivers stopped, all of us were soon arranged in a semi-circle next to that waterslide.

Overshadowed as I was standing between Brad and Joey, both who are over a foot taller than me. Lenny called action, cameras began rolling as he explained the game. It was a relay race, we were all going to be split into two teams. Each team member had to slide down the slide stomach down, one at a time, then run to the next person in line, they will then run to the starts of the waterslide and continue till whichever team had everyone have a turn. "Okay teams are Brad, Joey, Austin, Will, Dane, & Ricky VS Juan Pablo, Helio, Josef, Y/N, Ryan, & Simon" I was mentally screaming! I was paired with the guys who I least interacted with!

I then felt an arm around my shoulder, looking up I saw it belonged to Josef Newgarden, one of the Indy boys. "This is great I've been looking for a chance to have some time with this cute little short stack" he joked. I knew he was joking, that was his way of making light to everything he did. But from what I had heard from Nancy, Josef was a bit of a player. I don't blame him, he's a very attractive, young, and successful driver. Giggling with a small blush at the comment "In your dreams beanstalk, don't call me short stack" you replied. Juan Pablo then spoke up "Y/N if he keeps it up just bite him" he laughed at his joke. Helio chimed in "wouldn't that be cannibalism" "I'm not biting him, I don't know where he's been" I smirked at my jab to Josef "ha ha ha veryyyy funny" Josef said pretending to be hurt. We all turned to Simon who was dramatically laughing at the situation "it's funny because Josef is what in French we call putain" "Okay but in all seriousness you look smoking hot in your new suit Y/N! The other one fit slightly big." Josef said while looking you up and down. "You're saying I didn't look attractive before?" I raised an eyebrow being playful "No that's not what I meant , I, uh.." he started to stumble over his words panicking before Ryan crossed his arms in annoyance "who cares if she's unattractive, we're supposed to be picking the order of the relay. I would like to get this video over with."

We all stood in shock. It was really out of character for Ryan to not join into the guy's banter, let alone be so rude and snarky. After his harsh words we all focused on the game, the boys surprisingly took it very serious. Ryan's whole demeanor changed when we started the relay and the cameras were on us. He was playful and was popping jokes left and right, but he wasn't even acknowledging me. I didn't want to think much of it, maybe he was having a bad day so I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Forgetting his comment about my appearance I focused on the relay. With my size the boys let me go last so we ended up winning by a landslide as I was much faster than Brad.

"Great job guys and gal! That's a wrap on today!" Lenny motioned for everyone to wrap up. Not being as soaked as some of the others I made my way back inside and switch back into my normal outfit. A pair of jeans, black sneakers, and plain grey T-shirt. By a miracle, my hair and makeup survived the terrors of the relay waterslide race. Feeling slightly more confident in my appearance I walked into the main warehouse where everyone else was relaxing from the video shoot.

"Hey Thumbelina some of the guys are coming over to my place to have a couple of drinks, want to join?" Joey asked as I reached everyone. "That's sounds like a good time, sure!" You heard a small scoff turning to see it belonged to Ryan who was now walking away from the group. "Okay, I don't know what's wrong with him but he's being really mean to me!" I confided in Joey. "What?! Really?! Ryan?! That can't be right, just the other day we were talking about how cool you are" "....he called me unattractive...." I stated with a blank expression. I then told him what had happened when we were put into teams for the video "What?!! He must be smoking that green stuff because you're not unattractive! You're really gorgeous." He said with a hand on the back of his neck looking a bit shy, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks. "Beside when we were talking about you we also...might've mentioned how pretty you are...." he mumbled looking down at his sneakers he had switched into.

"Oh.....well maybe he's just having a bad day.....anywayssss how about we head out get ready for tonight?" I said trying to change the subject. "Yeah, lets do that. Want to go to the store with me? Grab some snacks and the beer." Joey asked while starting to walk out. While nodding and following him out towards the parking lot I glanced over to where Ryan was talking to some of the Indy guys. To my surprised he was staring at me, almost like he was admiring my features. When he realized he had been caught he quickly looked away with a blush appearing bright red on his cheeks, an obvious sly of embarrassment washing over his face. "I really wonder why he's acting strange.....? I'll just brush it off." I thought while walking out.

Hey guys! Author here! I'm really sorry if this isn't that great it's my first story... I noticed there wasn't many NASCAR stories on here and had this crazy idea for this book. Should I continue it? If so, anything you guys would like to see??? Let me know pleassseeee!! I would realllly appreciate it!
Thank you for reading, stay great, you're loved!
- S <3

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