A place to lay low

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The couple have to find a place to live with each other. They both agreed to go to Marios house, but the house also belonged to Luigi.

Meggy: Is Luigi here?

Mario: Hes probably with the others, so yes, Luigis not here.

The two settled in, and Mario started placing down house rules.

Mario: Ok, if your going to do this, there has to be some rules so we can keep this a secret from the others.

Meggy: Alright.

Mario: Rule 1, if Luigi or anybody else is here, you need to hide in the basement. No need to worry, I'll bring you down some food and a mattress.

Meggy whiped out a notebook and started to write the rules down.

Mario: Rule 2, You can only come outside of the basement when im the only one around.

Meggy: Okay.

Mario: Rule 3, We cant always talk to each other even though your here. But we can text each other.

Meggy: Alright.

Mario: And rule 4, NO touching my spaghetti, thats food is just for me.

Meggy: *giggles* I saw that comeing already.

Mario: *laughing at her joke* But everthing else is yours.

Meggy: But wait, what if Luigi comes down to the basement?

Mario: Hide. You can turn into a squid and hid in a pile of boxes.

With that out of the way, the two sat on the couch to rest, but immediately heard the sound of keys unlocking the front door.

Meggy: OH NO!!


Meggy bolted to the basement, and Luigi didnt notice anything when he came in.

Luigi: Hey Mario. Im glad you didnt burn the house down while I was out.

Mario: Hey bro. You know, I think its time to hit the hay.

Luigi: Your right, im tired too. Im gonna brush my teeth, then go to bed.

Mario: Alright, i'll meet you upstairs in a minute.

As Luigi went up upstairs, Mario went down to the basement to say goodnight to Meggy.

Meggy: Goodnight Red, I love you.

Mario: Goodnight Meggy, I love you too.

They hugged each other, then both went to bed, thinking about each other.

Thats was quick right? Next one will be later this evening.

See you later.

Mario x Meggy: The secret couple: (Contest For @ Smeshbros123)Where stories live. Discover now