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"Yoongi. LOG, Day 1.

Breakfast. Who knew it could be so easily replaced? I barely eat it in the morning but today I felt that little tingle of today being a different day unlike all the others. Unlike all the other boring days that fill my calendar with useless work.

I'm a senior, high school. I've always wanted to drop out but every year there was something keeping me in. Like a girlfriend or some friends but this year I have nothing.

Today is October 13, 1995, My last and final year of high school. I knew I should've started this log way earlier.. like two months ago. Now I have no idea how to put two months of school and life in a 5 minute voice log. Well.. guess I'll just end it here.

End log, Day 1."

The boy sighs as he turns off his recorder, taking the cassette tape out and writing in bold letters the words "LOG, DAY 1." This was his school assignment for the end of the year. To put his life in cassettes. He should've started earlier but he couldn't bare to work.

His favorite month just started. October.

The spooky month.

It was a cold day in Busan, Too cold. But he didn't care. He loved the freezing breeze touching his pale skin while he sits outside waiting for the bus.

He leaves out a shaking breath and looks down at his terribly bitten down fingernails, Years of anxiety piled up on his fingers. He licks his dry lips and take out a nice full pack of cigarettes, taking one and placing it between his lips. He also takes out a lighter, "Y•K•" written on it.

It's a memory.

Imagine, year 1992. A room. A bed in the corner with blankets and pillows plus a small shelf on top with books. A big brown stunning piano sitting just in front with some chairs. 15 year old Min Yoongi, Sitting on the ground next to his first girlfriend, YK. Yu-kyeong.

Yoongi smiles at her with shining eyes, she smiles back while taking a round bright yellow lollipop out of her mouth. This is a new feeling for the boy, it's love, sentiment.

"Wanna see what I found?"

"What, Yoongi-ah?"

It's a cigarette pack, with a white lighter.

"I found these in my garage, The lighter was brand new!" The boy chimed excitedly. Yu then smiles, taking the lighter from his hand and taking a black marker from her back pocket and writing the initials "Y•K•" on it, he face riddled with a bright smile.

"So you remember me always." she told with a smile. She gave back his lighter with a peck on the lips, leaving the boy flushed at the apples of his cheeks as she gets up and leaves. That's the last time he saw her. He later found out she died that night, car crash by a someone with a bouquet and tears in his eyes.

He never forgot the stars in her eyes, even if he felt true love again, He'll never forget his first. The person that made him feel happiness after years of struggle. He didn't even hear the horn of the bus waiting for him to get the fuck in.

"Oh shit." The mentioned curses, quickly and quietly getting inside his school bus. From the corner of his eyes, he sees the judging looks of all his classmates he annoyed. He keeps staring at the ground until he finds his seat. Yoongi never was the talkative type. He didn't seem wild in school but he's the craziest outside. He's quiet and reserved in school but the moment he steps out of that school, He smokes, drinks and drives a red convertible.

That's when he hears the gentle whispers of the girls in front of him.

"Did you see the new guy? He's so stunning.. but there's already a rumor that he's gay.. such a waste of man."

That sentence alone angered Yoongi. He never let those things get to him, but still as bisexual man, It still hurt. He was curious though of who this "new kid" was. While being lost in his thoughts for the 17,000th time, someone pat his shoulder to get his attention. It was someone he's never seen before. The new kid. The girls shut up as he stood in front of him.

"Mind if I sit?" The boy says, devilishly handsome with a classic 90s heartthrob look.

"Sure." The other responds, in a trace by the latter and his handsomeness. The other smiles and sits, hand outstretched to the other. Yoongi quickly takes the hint and shakes his hand.

"Park Jimin."

"Min Yoongi."

The latter nods in understanding. Then what the other says shakes the older to the core.

"I have to speak with you at lunch." Yoongi visibly swallows at the statement.

"Meet at the coffee house down the street?" The older nods and the other stands up and leaves. Yoongi looks at his feet in a mental debate with himself. Why did he agree to it? And why so willingly?

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