Chapter Three

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You were still livid as you walked to where the Big Three were training. What gave him the right to speak on your life like that. Deep down, you understood, and maybe that was why you were so angry. You knew that they were running on nothing. You knew that it would be almost impossible to find a way for you to get home. You knew all of that. You just couldn't stop from wishing that things weren't the way they were.

You held your head high while walking, hoping that portraying false confidence would make you seem like you belonged here. Needless to say, it didn't work, and many of the students walking through the halls gave you and your plain attire strange looks. After a while, you gave up your plan to remain confident and looked back at the ground. At least the flowers didn't judge you.

And maybe, just maybe, a small part of you was excited. This was something that you would've dreamed of a few years ago. Being teleported into an anime franchise via sneeze would've seemed like heaven. You remembered how much you'd loved these people- even if they had only been characters to you.

You and your friends had loved to talk about the lore behind the hero commission and all of its faults. With that being said, you vaguely remembered something about a winged guy with sexy eyeliner. You shrugged it off, allowing yourself to get lost in your thoughts as Aizawa dragged you along.

Of course, the first thing you noticed when you got to the training grounds was that everything was in shambles. The ground was cracked and chunks of it had been strewn across the area, making it difficult to walk across. There were three figures on the floor, each looking more ragged than the last. Upon your entrance, a pretty girl with periwinkle colored hair waved excitedly. She bounded up to you, cracking a wide smile.

"Hey! You must be the journalist that Mirio was talking about!" She said, motioning to where Mirio and another boy were still going at it. "It's nice to meet you. I didn't know quirkless people were qualified to come here."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh! I didn't mean it in a bad way. I think it's cool that you're here. Sometimes I talk faster than I think and it comes out wrong," she explained, making exaggerated motions with her hands. "Mirio told me that he scared you earlier. I'm glad you're okay now! Hopefully he didn't come at you naked. That would've been a pretty terrible first meeting."

"He did not come at me naked," you assured, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew! I was worried he'd scared you off before I could even meet you! I'm Nejire Hado, by the way. And don't worry, Mirio told me your name already."

"It's nice to meet you," you said politely, holding out your hand. She grabbed it enthusiastically and shook it with so much vigor that you thought you felt yourself vibrating. You smiled throughout it anyways, despite your quickly draining social battery.

"Oh! It's you again!" A voice called from far away. You turned to see Mirio bounding towards you, shirt tied around his waist. You tried your best not to look. If you were being completely honest, Mirio was pretty cute. It had been a long time since you'd had a boyfriend- or a girlfriend for that matter. If you hadn't been so hellbent on getting back to your own world, you might've considered making a move. Or not, you supposed. Your anxiety probably wouldn't let you get very far with it.

Regardless, Mirio looked excited as he walked towards you. It almost made you wonder if he considered you a friend. Behind him, a second figure followed drearily, looking down at the ground. You couldn't help but feel for him. You knew what it was like to be terrified to meet new people- or to be forced to meet someone you had no intention of interacting with. Still, Mirio took no note of it as he grinned widely. "Eraserhead! I didn't know you were coming down here today! And you brought my new friend, too!"

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