I'm back bitches

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*Harpers outfit for school with a leather jacket*


*Harpers Pov*

"So you guys wanna get a drink, to celebrate moving her?" I ask.

"hell yeah" they all say and we leave and go to a bar in the city.

*In the club*

We walk in and I walk over to the bar and get 5 shots for everyone.

"Were getting wasted tonight, are we?" A guy I immediately recognize asks flirtatiously.

"None of your business" I say and roll my eyes at him and walk over to my friends with our drinks.

"Who's that?" Naomi ask.

"That my dear friends is my dear brother Caden and he was just hitting on me" I say in disbelief.

"He didn't recognize you?" Addi asks.

"No apparently not, have I changed that much?" I ask.

"Maybe or he's just an asshole and forgot how you looked" Alex says looking at Caden. I look over there too and that's when I notice that the worst person on earth is here too.
Liam Miller the devil himself. 

"who are you looking at?" Alex asks me.

"No one" I say and look away immediately.

"Ehm, Let me guess that Liam" He says.

"Yeah" I nearly whisper.

"Imma kick his ass" Naomi says.

"No you wont" I say in a way she knows im serious.

"Ok I won't, relax" She say with her hands in the air.

"Its just I don't want him to know Im back before tomorrow" I say.

"OK I get it" She say understanding.

"And if anyone's kicking his ass it's me" I say with a smirk

"Yeah that's right" she says still staring him in the back of his head.

"Lets just get wasted"Jayce says.

"Yeah" We all say.

*About seven drinks later im not even tipsy, I have a very high alcohol tolerance*

"Imma get another drink guys" I say to some very drunk friends of mine.

"Ooooooookayyy Babeeee" Addi says drunk as fuck.

I walk over to the bar and ask for the strongest thing they have.

They hand me a drink and I turn around and look out on all the drunk or tipsy people on the dance floor. I see Addi and Naomi grinding on each other and I cant stop myself from giggling.

"What's so funny?" A guy I recognize the voice of and I just freeze. Liam. He's talking to me. Why?

"You okay there" He asks and wave his hand in front of my eyes. I just roll my eyes and look the other way.

"Why you ignoring me sweetheart?" He asks. My insides are boiling from anger.

"I'm NOT your sweetheart okay? Now leave me the fuck alone before I kick your ass" I yell at him. He looks surprised at me. and then he starts laughing. 

"I warned you" I say angry as fuck. I throw my fist at his face leaving a bleeding cut from my rings and before he get to react I kick him in the stomach, he falls over on his back and tries to get up but i sit down next to him and whisper in his ear while holding him down "That's not even the start, great to see you again btw" I walk over to my friends and drag them out to the car while everyone's staring at me in shock.

Could this get any worse? Yes it can apparently. Naomi pukes all over me, and then she falls asleep on my shoulder. I get her in the car and I just drive as fast as I can home.


*The next morning*

"Good morning sunshines" I say in the intercom. I hear growling from some of them and Naomi is still sleeping, of course.

"I'll count to three and if you're not up you will be in three, two, one," I scream as loud as I can into the intercom.

"Shut up HARP" Addi yells. and so does Naomi. The boys are already on there way down the stairs.

"good morning Harp, how'd we get home last night?" Jay asks.

"I drove you, and Naomi threw up all over me" I say and make a disgusted face.

"Ha id love to see that" He says laughing.

"Haha so funny, and you guys dont remember anything from last night?" I ask.

"Nah only like the first hour or so" Jay says.

"Yeah I dont really remember anything either" Alex says.

"Ok then today will be full of surprises" I say to them and the just look at me confused.

"Hey" Naomi and Addi say from the stairs.

"So Girl, you ready to show them what they missed?" Addi ask with a smirk while walking into the kitchen. 

"Ehm, Hells yes"I say and we get ready for school. I wore the outfit above with my hair curled and a leather jacket that says Queen on the back.

*About half an hour later we're all done and walk out to our bikes and drive to school*


Hey guys im thinking of making the next chapter in Liams POV so check that out.

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