Niall | Skypes, Tours & Early Mornings

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“You know, you shouldn’t be eating all that junk this late at night,” you warned him as he shoved another handful of chips in his mouth. “You’ll get sick.”

“That’s never stopped me before,” he said, rummaging the now empty chip bag for more. “Besides, it’s only 5 in the afternoon here.”

“Oh right,” you sighed. “Time change.”

Niall has been on tour for a couple weeks now, exploring the world with the rest of the boys as they promote their new CD. Where was he now; Paris? Rome? Brazil? Who knows. All that really mattered to you was that he wasn’t with you. So when your computer screen lit up with a Skype request from your best friend, you couldn’t say no.

Even with the horrible lagging of the internet and awful webcam quality, you still felt a smile on your face when you saw him. He was in a plain t-shirt and shorts, his hair in a ruffled blond mess. He tossed the empty chip bag in the trash, muscles in his arms flexing a bit as he reached over.

“So, do you miss me yet?” He smirked.

“Oh, of course!” You said, voice full of sarcasm. “I don’t know how I’m ever going to survive with out you, Niall.”

His chest swelled as he attempted to do a Superhero pose. “Don’t worry, Nicole.” He said in a deep mocking voice. “I’ll be back soon to protect you.”

“My hero,” you said, your hand to your forehead as if you were a damsel in distress.

“I know you miss me,” he said, all joking and sarcasm gone from his voice. “Even if you won’t really admit it.”

“Of course I miss you, you idiot. Why else would I be putting up with you at 1 o’clock in the morning?”

He laughed one quick chuckle, then his face turned almost sad. “Well, I’ve been missing you like crazy.”

“You don’t have time to miss me, Niall. You have rehearsals and CD signings and all the fans to worry about. You’re life is all about work right now and no time for me.”

“You know that’s not true, Nicole. Me and the lads could be doing something insane, something we’ve always dreamed of doing, but I don’t feel that excited about it. I keep thinking of you and what it would be like if you were here with me.”

“I think that’s the best friend curse,” you laughed. “We’re so used to doing everything together that once we’re apart, it doesn’t feel right.”

“I think it’s a bit more then that,” you heard him mutter to himself.

Everything was quiet for a moment as he fiddled around with his hands. His eyes were serious as his eyebrows furrowed, like he was about to make a big decision.

“I need to tell you something,” he said suddenly. He looked directly into the webcam, almost like he was trying to look straight at you. You saw a smile form on his face, and your breath caught in your throat. That smile got you every time. He took a deep breath and said, “Nicole, I-”

Then the webcam froze, no sound was coming out of the speakers.

Connection Lost; Please check your internet connection or restart your computer.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You started banging on your ancient computer’s keyboard, hearing it whine and creak as it loaded up Skype again. It took a few minutes, but you finally got it open again. You sighed with relief when another request popped up from Niall. You clicked accept immediatly and it loaded quickly. Niall was on your computer screen yet again.

You felt your cheeks turn bright red as you saw him sitting on his couch. His mouth was still curved up in in smile, the fringe of his hair falling in his eyes. He held up a piece of paper with ‘NICOLE, I LOVE YOU!’ scribbled in black marker.

“Pack your bags,” he said as your smile continually got bigger. “You’re coming to stay with me on tour, babe.”

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really got the sarcastic element in there aha, hoped you like it Nicole(: very cheeky.

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