Round one, Fight!

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You were getting ready for the final bit of the festival.......the actual fighting!

You: I've been waiting for this moment my whole life!

Adam: Actually it wasn't for your whole life

You: You know what I mean!

Adam: Maybe.....

You went to see the draws for the fights and saw you were against Mina

You weren't watching all the fights since you were concentrating on how you were gonna fight, you were proud your boy Midoriya won, and curious on why Todoroki is just 'cold'. Adam who replaces that other girl, yeeted Kaminari, You were confused with Iida's fight as Hatsumi was just trolling him and giving you the look if you catch her drift

You: T_T what was the point of that fight?

Deku:.......I actually don't know

Denki: All I can say is F in the chat for Sero

You: F

Then you saw Tokayami easily beat Momo, which made you feel sympathy for her as you reassured her it's alright

Momo: Thank you Y/n

You: It's alright!

Then you were prepared for your fight against Mina as you jumped from the stands and landed on the arena

Kirishima: 10 out of 10!

Mina: Well done but let's begin! If I win, you have to go out on a date with me!

The other girls were shocked by this statement as you were confused

You:........What's that?

Other girls: NANI?!

Midnight: Begin!

Mina began her assault as she charges and throws acid at you but you were prepared since you dodged with ease and jumped away, you threw a fire ball at her but she dodges it

Mina: That was awful!

You: You activated my trap card!

Mina: What?!

The fireball came back and hit her as grabbed her and threw her out of bounds since you were a gentleman


Aizawa: Should've betted this one

Bang: Damn, even I never thought of that!

Endeavor: Mother........fuc-

Nezu then slaps him in the face

Bang: :D

Fubuki: Yes!

Tatsumaki: *pouts and blushes* At least he made it to the next round with out any damage, I-its not like I ca-care about him!

Fubuki: Oh really now?~

Tatsumaki: We-well what about you?!

Fubuki stops in her tracks as she goes red faced like her sister

Back with you

You: Hey good try Mina!

Mina: Oh least I fought future husb-

Present Mic: Y/n L/n wins!

You: Well it's time for the next match!

Mina:.........God dammit you loud mother-!

You: Mina......

Mina: Ducker.......

As you went back, Jirou gave you a hug and Kirishima, Midoriya, and the others congratulated you

Bakugou: I'll kick his ass next!

Then it was the next round, Kirishima was fighting his practical twin in a way as it ended in a draw so instead they would have an arm wrestling match when they wake up since they knocked each other out

You: Well then.......the next match i dont want it to brutal but I believe in her

Uraraka: I can do it!

Midoriya: Are you sure?!

Iida: Bakugou isn't no pushover!

Uraraka: I'm positive!

You: I'm sure she knows what to do

Midoriya: A-are you sure?

You: Yep!

The last match was brutal as Bakugou was keeping Uraraka at bay as her quirk was dangerous in a way, it ended with Bakugou winning

You:.........I knew Bakugou wasn't just using those attacks for brutalitly

Midoriya: I didn't think of that!

Iida: Same here.....

Then all contendents could have a break as the first round of fights were over

You: Okay let's see....Midoriya has Todoroki, Iida has Adam, I got Tokayami and Bakugou has either Kirishima or his replica...neat

Midoriya: Can I actually win?

Iida: You can do it!

You: Yeah just think and act, it's what I do!

Midoriya: Wow y-you guys are the best *starts to tear up*

You: Hey! No crying! I had enough of this!

Midoriya: Ok!

Then you walked away to get some ice cream, while walking you got a message

Phone: You have 4, new messages

You: Wonder who it's from

It was picture sent from Dabi flipping you off

You: T_T

You decided to delete the image and send back a picture of a burnt muffin,

You: How's that Dabi?!

Then you looked to see messages from your friends

You: Neat

You look at the messages, everyone congratulated you as Fubuki and Saitama were at the stands watching with Genos and Tatsumaki, Adam said that fight was too easy though

You: God Damn it......Adam

When you arrived at the Ice cream store, someone you knoe was already there

You: I should've known you would be here......Garou

Garou: Of course I would, if not then I'm just not myself

You both were eating ice cream and getting along with each other and talking when suddenly you had to go for the next round

Garou: Good luck kid!

You: Thanks but I don't need it!

Garou: Arrogant aren't ya? I feel like your my brother!

You: Let's just say everyone that knows my quirk will be really surprised

Garou: Can't wait, even though there's 15 minutes left

You made your way to the arena as the quarter finals is among the young devil and his friends

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