part 1|15

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Ari pov
Apparently Joseph wanted to meet with us about these businesses

I'm wondering why he still on king dick, ain't u supposed to be letting him free or sum

But I got ready, and we met up

" wassup kids" he laughed
" hey Jo" I said

" you know you can call me Joseph" he said

I don't really care

" but uh I just wanted to give y'all the keys, and these papers I need y'all to sign" he said

"Okay" I said

" I wanna show y'all the buildings too, kings first since it's closer, ari yours all the way in Long Beach" he said

" why all the way in long beach"

" we think you don't fit over here, and you'll get more clients in Long Beach" he said

"  right, you got the classy boujee bitch vibe" Sam said

" well thank you Sam" I said

" here's the building for king, it's a big building" he said

" man I finally get to have my shoe store" he said

" shoe store? Not bad but you gon need security" Sam said

" I know" he said

"I'm giving 500k to your business" Joseph said

" that's a lot" i said

" for employees, insurance, inventory, bills and getting the place together" sam said

" you on the other hand, ya boy told me you got big dreams for yours so you got a little more funding" jo said

" what exactly did he tell you"

" you want it call the palace or aris palace, it's a salon mixed with a spa, on the first floor would be the nail and pedicures, with two private suites for nail techs tha-"

" okay I guess he did" I said

" did we say Long Beach, we meant Venice"

" oh my god I love Venice" I smiled

" I know that's why it's there" king said

We got in my car, he gave me the directions and we drove

" so if you 18 how you finna be a junior in college?" He said

" I graduated at 16"

" see I told you, she a good look" Sam said

" what u mean" I said looking back while at the red light

" Aw king ain't tell you"

" you not apart of the gang but you like our most prized possession at the moment"

My eyes got very wide as I lowkey side eyed the fuck outta king

" you ain't got nun to do wit, but the feds on us and we need some to distract them so why not select two college students, with rich parents, who live together, got good grades, and are ambitious" he said

" so how much of the money I gotta give back"

" nothing, it's all yours, and when you triple what I gave you, we opening up a new one" he said

" that's cool, so how does this benefit you"

" gets the feds off of us"

"While also giving you a business" Sam said

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