One Starry Night ((Part 2))

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A/N: So, I was asked to continue what I originally planned to be a one-shot. I feel like such a horrible person because I made the people who requested the continuation wait so long!! So without further ado, I give you part two.

Stumbling backwards, your back hit the door as you stared at him. The pain was evident on your face.

"Kyoya... Please tell me you're just pulling a sick joke. You didn't actually forget, right?" You asked, your voice cracking.

He looked at you, his cold eyes staring at you blankly.

"I believe you're mistaken. We have never met before."

Your eyes watered and you ran out of the door, leaving the dark haired teen in bewilderment.

When you ran out of the hospital, you saw the host club and came to a slow walk.

"What happened? Is Kyo-chan okay?" Hani asked.

Instead of answering with the normal response, you said, "I wouldn't go in there if I were you. Not if you don't want a heart breaking revelation."

Everyone was silent, not understanding your meaning. Just as you were about to completely walk away, Mori made a completely out of character move and pulled you into a hug.

"I'm sorry," was all he said as the two of you stood there.

When he released you, you made your way to your car and drove off.


It had been two weeks since Kyoya had been released from the hospital. Not once did he come into the host club.

According to the nurse, it was a possibility that he would never remember.

As you sat in the back of the host club, you noticed the heavy air surrounding the hosts. The girls didn't seem to notice as the boys and Haruhi were faking their smiles.

You stood up and made your way to the door.

"I'm leaving for today Tamaki. I'll see you later," you called.

He turned to you and waved, a wavering smile on his face.


You were sitting out on the roof of the school, the same one that just two months ago you and Kyoya shared a heartwarming moment.

Staring up at the sky, you decided to take a trip into your mind.

You started thinking of how you missed him. Missed the old Kyoya. The way he would break away that cold front of his just for you. The way he genuinely smiled whenever you would say something far too cheesy.

Then your mind wandered to how the other hosts were taking this whole situation, particularly Tamaki.

He had been a bit distant, not knowing what to do. Without Kyoya, he seemed a bit lost, almost relying on Haruhi for a sense of security.

The king of the host club had lost the one person to keep him in check.

You kept staring off into the setting sun when you heard someone behind you.

You turned around and saw the last person you thought you would see here.

Kyoya stood there, staring at you.

You turned away and stood up, walking over to the ledge of the roof, leaning on the railing placed up there.

"What do you want, Kyoya?"

He was silent, then cleared his throat and said, "You're the girl from the hospital, correct?"

You nodded.

"What about it? Come to remind me you still don't remember anything about me or the host club?" You asked coldly.

You heard him step closer until he was directly behind you.

He then wrapped his arms around you and whispered into your ear.

"I remember clearly, _y/n_. I was just taking it easy today. I do intend on coming in tomorrow."

Your eyes widened, slightly tearing up, and you turned around, still in his arms.

You smiled as he bent his head to kiss you lightly.

As he pulled away, he said, "I'm sorry I worried you. Trust me, it wasn't fun for me. I knew something, rather someone, was missing."

"You know, I have so many profanities to call you right now," you said, giggling as you talked.

He closed his eyes and shook his head.

"I figured as much."


The next day at the host club was cheerful.

The customers were happy, the hosts were ecstatic.

You and Kyoya were content.

After the girls left, Kyoya gave you s tiny box wrapped in _f/c_ paper with a tiny bow.

"What's this?" you asked.

"Take it as a late Christmas present."

You opened it, only to reveal a small box.

You looked up and raised a brow, questioning him.

Haruhi spoke up from behind Kyoya.

"Just open it and see what's inside already!"

You lifted the lid only to find a small silver ring with small music notes engraved on it.

You looked up and Kyoya took your hand in his as he spoke.

"I was planning to give this to you the night of the accident. That obviously didn't happen, so I decided that now was as good a time as ever," he started.

"Will you, _y/n_, do me the honor of being my wife?"

You stared at him, then said the one thing that ruined the moment.

"We're only in high school, Kyo."

A/N: I'm such a troll. I'm sorry, but you get what happened, right? The only thing I can say is have fun imagining how the rest goes. XD

I'm sorry this took so long! I've been slightly busy with things regarding school, and I actually recently got injured ((twisted knee)) which sucks!!

So I just wanted to say something.

If you ever want me to make a second part, or even a STORY, out of a one-shot I've done, I'll do it. You just have to give me a bit of time.

Hell, if you want me to make a story from one of the anime fandoms I'm in, I'll do it.

I'm actually currently working on three different stories because I got bored. XD

Alright, you know the deal. And requests/suggestions for next time, drop them here -------------------->
and I shall see you lovely people next time!!


One Starry Night ((Kyoya Ootori x Reader))Where stories live. Discover now