Love for the sake of Allah

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You came like wind
Carrying calm within
Your smile was pure
Your laugh was sin

Travelling a long way
I met you that day
And everything that surrounded
Slowly and steadily faded.

Your hazel orbs were magic
With a pain in it
That was hidden from the world
But I found it charismatic.

And that day you became my smile
And I had claimed you mine
But still you went away
Like the wind that sway.

I still claim you mine
Cause my heart is attached to you
You have no clue
But I claim you.

- Ayesha Rehan

''Mahnoor...have breakfast...come quickly.'' Mahnoor's mother called her.

''Ji Amma(yes mom).'' Mahnoor shouted and ran downstairs.

''Assalamoalaikum amma...'' she wished her mother cheerfully and sat beside her younger brother Maaz.

''Walekum assalam beta khush raho Allah tumhe sari khushi de...(be happy may Allah give you all happiness.)'' instead of her mother Maaz replied just in the same tone as her mother.

''Maaz...'' her mother glared him but the next moment everyone broke in giggles.

''All the best aapi...'' Maaz wished her as she was about to go for her first day in high school.

Mahnoor belonged to a simple middle class family. After her father's death few years back her mother she and her younger brother lived in their small house.

Her mother was a high school teacher and a respected women.

Mahnoor was in 11th standard and it was her first day at her new school.

She was a genius from always and as it was her dream to become a doctor she chose biology.

She was a reserved girl outside...very introvert...never ever she was seen talking to anyone except her best friend Uzma.

Being a practicing muslimah she was a hijabi and unlike other hijabis around her she wore simple descent and dull coloured clothes. Though she had fair complexion and quiet beautiful facial features she never highlighted them.

It was quiet difficult for anyone to spot out her in a crowd.

She was a beautiful pearl in her shell.


''Assalamoalaikum are you?'' She greeted Uzma and stood beside her.

''Walekum asslam...Alhamdulillah I am fit and fine.'' Uzma said in her usual dramatic tone.

''So miss Einstein ready to rock the class?'' Uzma asked making her chuckle.

''And you miss Issac?'' Mahnoor also played along.

Uzma and Mahnoor were among the top students of the class but they never showed off their talent. They were similar in everything except the fact that Uzma was bold and outspoken while Mahnoor was shy.

Uzma belonged to one of the richest family of the city yet she and her family were down to Earth and treated Mahnoor like their own daughter.

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