Ace of Hearts

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Present Day
Gabriella Novak loved sleeping with Samantha Winchester. The kisses goodnight, the warm, strong arms wrapped around her during the night, the good morning kisses. It was perfect and since they had been dating for 2 years it was a regular thing whether they were in Gabriella's apartment or Sam's place like they were today.
The girlfriends were sitting in Sam's kitchen eating breakfast.
"Tomorrow is our anniversary," Sam said to Gabriella.
"I hope you're not just realizing that because if so you need to find me a last-minute anniversary gift today. I already have yours nice and wrapped in a bag"
"No, that's not wh- did you say wrapped in a bag?"
"Yes, wrapped in tissue paper and put in a bag"
"That's not wrapped, that's just in bag" Sam shook her head, that wasn't the point she wanted to make when she started speaking. "What I meant was, it will be 3 years since we started dating that's a long time to be with someone"
Gabriella smiled and nodded "and I loved every minute of it"
"Well" Sam reached over and took Gabriella's hand "I was hoping we could make it special"
Gabriella gave Sam's a hand a light squeeze before she stood. "Oh?" Gabriella asked, putting her plate in the sink having finished her toast. "What did you have in mind?"
Sam stood up and stood in front of Gabriella as she walked away from the sink. She put her fingers through her belt loops and pulled her close. "Something we've never done before" She leaned down to kiss Gabriella but didn't realize that Gabriella had paled and her whole body had gone stiff until Gabriella was pulling away from her kiss. Sam was confused. "Gabriella? Angel, what wrong?"
"Shit!" Gabriella shouted when her eyes traveled over to her clock "I'm going to be late for my appointment!"

12 years ago.
Okay so in retrospect perhaps a family reunion was not one of the best places to have a "coming out." When she first started talking it felt like a great idea! Multiple birds with one stone type deal, instead all Gabriella got was a bunch of rejection and humiliation. Perhaps, she should count herself lucky that she wasn't immediately thrown out of the family after being such an embarrassment or "a disgrace!" as her mom put it angerly whispering to the teenager as she pulled her out of the house.
This is how it went down. Everyone talks in little groups and hangs out until the dinner when they sit at a giant table in the middle of Gabriella's grandmother's house and talk about whatever they want the entire family to know. Castiel Novak, Gabriella's older brother, always hated it. "Just another way for people to brag about themselves." Gabriella usually didn't have much to say. "I got into Trinity High School" was what she had said a few years ago. It was a difficult high school to get into but really good and she had done it but no one is her family was too impressed, they would probably rather her tuition money go to some catholic high school like most other people in their family but she refused. This year, she was going to speak again. This year she was going to come out. BIG MISTAKE. First of all, she didn't get to finished what she was saying.
"Okay, well, I found something out about myself a few weeks ago and I figure that now is about as good a time as any to tell you all, I, Uh, well. . . I realized that I'm not really interested in guys, not in-" She get to finish saying "not in a sexual way" instead her grandmother, old woman Novak started talking over her. She thought Gabriella was gay. "Well, I can't say I'm surprised, Gabriella. You never were really a girl growing up. Always such a tomboy. And now your gay, well, I'm okay with your sexuality as long as you don't bring any of those girls back here"
"No" Gabriella started again. What grandmother had just said was wrong on multiple levels but she didn't have the time or energy to address that right now, she just had get what she wanted to say out of her system. "That's not- what I'm trying to say is I'm asexual. I don't like girls or guys in that kinda way. I just don't feel anything like that. . . for anyone." She was a senior in high school so she knew kids at her school were all getting it on either with their boy/girlfriend's, their toys, or themselves but Gabriella never felt like she wanted to. She didn't realize what it was until she came across people online who were talking about "asexuality awareness". At that point, the only asexuality she knew about were plants from freshmen biology, she checked out the blog and realized there was a reason she didn't feel anything, she was asexual, and she was normal! Her family was silent, and Gabriella suddenly wished she could just sprout wings and disappear in a flurry of feathers, unfortunately for her, she couldn't. So, there she sat until her Aunt Amara spoke. She really wished Amara hadn't after hearing what she said. She was a psychiatrist meaning the founding father of her profession was Freud, who thought all women wanted to grow penises and all men wanted to have sex with their mothers. She told her "Gabriella, your young and some young people your age are, for lack of a better word, afraid of sex. It's nothing to really worry about, I can recommend some therapist's that can help you get past this."

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