Morning Sixx

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Last night you had lots of fun. You called some friends over, to keep your mind off the fact that Nikki is coming back from tour tomorrow evening. You were excited to see him again. And just kiss him until you can't breathe.

Last Night

You told your friends to bring over some booze, and liquor. You were craving a nice cold beer, that you got carried away with a few more. Y'all played some drinking games, taking body shots, playing truth or dare. It was almost 3 in the morning and everyone, including you, was just too fucked up to function and have your friends head out in their state. So they all just slept in the living room, one on the couch and two on the floor. You ended up going to your room, not having the energy to ask who wants to sleep with you.

Walking very off-balance up the stairs, all the way to your bed. Not bothering to close the door behind you. And you immediately, once your body flopped on the bed and felt the cooling feel of the sheets you drift off to sleep.

That entire night you forgot about Nikki and the nerves were gone from the thought of him coming back home to you after a long time out on tour.

Next Morning

You're waking up to this immense pain of a headache and drowsiness from last night. But there was something you're just remembering,

in the middle of the night, you got up quickly heading towards the toilet and puke your guts out. You leaned against the shower glass for a few minutes until you had the energy to get up wash up your mouth and head back to bed. Since you knew it may happen to your friends, you left the light on and the door open, also leaving the door of your room open to see if any of your friends need help. You drifted off to sleep yet again.

You're laying on your stomach facing the door. Opening your eyes and noticing, the door is closed and the numbness of your body subsides when you move just a bit and you feel an arm on the small of your back. You turn your head to see who's sleeping next to you, expecting to be one of your friends but it wasn't any of them. Your eyes widened at the sight of who it is; it's your hot man Nikki fucking Sixx. Just taking a moment focusing on his features asleep, he looks so beautiful while deeply sleeping peacefully. This took you by surprise since he called you yesterday letting you know he'll land in the evening.

But waking up to see him is even better instead of waiting half the day for him to come home. God, months of not seeing him and seeing him here next to me shirtless with just his pajama pants on, is turning me on, I need him NOW! you thought.

Completely forgetting that you both are not alone in this house, you start moving and getting on top of him. He's also laying on his stomach, so now you're straddling on his cute butt. Leaning down, you move his beautiful jet black hair to the side and start kissing on the back of his neck. Hoping he'll wake up at this moment but for being that exhausted of traveling, it might take a while for him to pry his eyes open. So you continue kissing him across the back of his shoulders, now trailing your kisses down his spine.

While trailing your kisses towards the small of his back he flinched. You knowing that he gets a bit ticklish when you kiss him in that spot. Finally seeing him open his eyes to see the beautiful green glow turning to look at you. You lift yourself so that he can now lay on his back and lower yourself again, now straddling on his crotch.

"Hey," he said with a raspy voice.

Ugh music to my ears, I'm already getting wet.

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