First Day (Part 1)

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You wake up to the sound of your alarm. You slam the off button. "Ugh," You groan as you slide out of bed. You head to your dresser and grab your U.A uniform. You walk to your bath room. You brush your long silver hair. You brush your teeth and continue your morning routine. You were the girl down the street kind of girl. And you were either loved or hated for your quirk. You walk out the door and remember the day you got your quirk. It was when you were five years old. You were walking with your friends at the playground. When you were overcome with the smell of blood. The blood from a nearby kids scrape. You started to hear noises from the deep sea. You were petrified and ran to your parents. After that day you went to the doctor and found out your quirk was vampire and that you have become basically a vampire. Months went by and your hair turned silver and your eyes turned blood red. Your strength was increased, vision became that of science fiction, hearing up high pitches and hear to 100,000 miles away, and speed up to Mach 50. You snap out of your daydream and focus on the road ahead. After a few minutes of walking you finally reach U.A. You walk into Class 1-A and pick the first seat available. You gaze upon the room full of new faces. You stare out the window. You stare out the window for 3 minutes. You snap out of your trance as someone poked your shoulder. You turn around to see a short auburn headed girl. "Hi my names Ochaco Uraraka. What's yours?" Ochaco asks. "Oh hi I'm Y/n L/n but you can call me y/n," You respond. "I really want to ask you is your hair natural or dyed?" Ochaco asks curiously. "It's actually a part of my quirk which is vampire," You respond. "That's really cool. Your quirk sounds way cooler than mine. I just have zero gravity. I can basically make things float by touching it with my finger tips," Ochaco says. "That's still a cool quirk making things anti G is super cool. Don't doubt yourself girl. I mean who wouldn't want to feel like their in space," You say smiling. "Thanks y/n. What can you do with your quirk anyway?" Ochaco asks. "Well I can basically do anything a vampire can do. I don't die from garlic. I just get indigestion. Holy water hurts like hell and crosses don't hurt me," You respond. "Wow. You must be really powerful with a quirk like that," Ochaco says. "Well yeah I guess I am. It just took years to master it," You say. "Yeah it must have. So what do your parents do for a living?" Ochaco asks. "My mom is a big time travel agent and my dad is a famous architect," You respond cheerfully. "Wow. My parents just own a construction business," Ochaco says sadly. "Hey don't be so hard on yourself. My life is actually crazy. I have gone to a bunch of schools and had to meet and leave a bunch of friends," You respond. "Like how many schools?" Ochaco asks. "Well I'm from America and I have lived in Spain, Italy, France, Russia, Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Poland, China, Britain, and Ireland," You respond. "WOAH. That's a lot of countries. Your parents must be super rich to be moving around like that," Ochaco says. "Yeah I mean we are pretty rich I guess. But just between you and me my dad makes 70,000 yen an hour and my mom make 68,000 yen an hour," You whisper. "Woah that mean you are rich," Ochaco says. "We are upper middle class Ochaco. We are not that rich," You say humbly. "Yeah but being rich still doesn't mean you are a good person," Ochaco says. "Exactly. And I am a humble person," You say. "Alright so what about you? Where are you from Ochaco?" You ask. "I'm from the Mie Prefecture. Nothing special you know," Ochaco says. "Well I don't care that's still interesting," You say. "Thanks," Ochaco says. "Now okay weird question but. What fact are you surprised more people don't know about?" You ask. "Well that I'm poor and my family is going through a rough spot now," Ochaco says. "Hmm well you might come from humble poor origins but hey you seem like a great person," You say. "Awww thanks y/n," Ochaco says. The bell rings

"I guess we will continue this later Ochaco," You say smiling. "Yeah talk later," Ochaco says walking to her seat. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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