My new life

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Today, I became friends with the little crawling things, they call themselves cats. I sleep with them sadly, they play with my tail. Good news is, I also sleep with the nice girl her name is, Kadee. They don't hit me here, I also made new friends outside, they're really nice and they welcomed me into their pack. I like it here, I just miss my mom. The puppies have a mom they call her Luna. She doesn't really talk. On the bright side I have a Grandma now, her name is Shiloh, she makes sure we're all ok and protected. I love Grandma Shiloh. On he down side there's these little dogs that never shut up and yap all the time. I also only go inside at night, sadly. Grandpa Boone gets to stay inside all day. It's not fair. It's only me and him inside, none of the other dogs come in. But I like it, it's peaceful. There's this woman named Pam I call her mom like Kadee does and all the other kids do it too. My Pack told me they were once inside until the humans let them stay out and never let them back in. I hope that doesn't happen to me so I asked Uncle Grandpa Boone what happened to him and why was he inside, he said," Oh Kahlua I got very lucky, they only let me in because I got attacked my a dog named Beau, but you don't have to worry about him, he left a long time ago" I replied with," Oh good." Sadly the female Alpha Amora, is deaf, so I can't unstand her. The male Alpha is Jax I can understand him. The runner up to make Alpha is Fin everybody says," Don't go near him, he's evil," but I do anyways, he's not scary. The next runner up to female Alpha is Juju, my bestest friend, Amora and her are twins but since Amora was born before her she didn't get the chance. Everyone likes Juju, she's great she follows me around, everywhere we go get water, we SKRT around on the trampoline together. But, there is an evil sister, her name is Bliss, she bullied everyone until I got there and showed her who's boss, it's Amora I asked if she was blind, turns out she's not. She explained to me how all the other dog get hugs and kisses but she doesn't, I asked why she had thought this, she said," When ever I go to give them a kiss back they push me off but when Juju or Hotdog does it they gets the pets." I said," Well maybe there's another reason," but I couldn't think of anything I felt bad for her so I asked her," Wanna be friends?" She said," Really?!" I replied with," Yes we can play all day, we could be bestest friends." She agreed.
I hate Hotdog, she always steals the spot light and shoves it in our faces. Bliss hates it, Juju does too. I asked to be friends but she said," I have no time for friends." Then she walked away. The humans lock me in this metal thing that I can easily jump. I pooped on Kadee's floor, she got mad. Then Kadee left for a night and I slept in moms room. That's all for now, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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