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For some it is hard to tell right from wrong,
You may follow behind all,
While others absorb attention,
Some are overlooked,
But I will tell you now,
Those you overlook will be the leaders and most successful,
Being popular means nothing in the future,
So why go that root,o
When there are so many more,
Why would you chose to be the one to make one feel bad about themselves,
Thats just coldhearted
I can't you be the one to tell someone that they are fun to be around,
Be the one to pull someone off the ground,
It does not matter your skin color,
Or what even your language,
Not even what county your from,
Not your religion,
These things do not change you for who you are,
They should not matter,
It only matters who you are,
You should not care,
The worlds not fun with a bunch of you,
Everyone's different

So get uses to differences,

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