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author pov.

" ya ya ya ya ya ya ya "

hyunjin groan , " aish what do you want jisungie " hyunjin said with a sleepy voice . " aish ! you said that you'll hang out with me and seungmin today ! " jisung said . hyunjin open his eyes and look at his phone for time , it was 10:23 am. " but our date is at 11:30 am. " hyunjin complains .

" HYUNJINNNNNNN " jisung shout . " aish okay okay okay i'll wake up ! " hyunjin said and finally getting up . he goes to the bathroom . " ya seungmin ah , ur boyfriend is weird " jisung said . seungmin blush and hit jisung with a pillow , " we're not dating pabo ! " seungmin defends . " yea right " jisung said as he run away from seungmin .

in the living room , there was the other members . " ei ? ur going somewhere jisungie ? you're all dress up " chan ask . " yea im going to hang out with hyunjin and seungmin , ya know 00 liner gangg " jisung said . " hey did u forgot about me ?! " felix said .

" well u said you have plans with changbin today ! " seungmin said . felix nodded . " oh rightt " felix said . " oh but wait ! chan , woojin and jeongin are going to the arcade later and the three of you are also going out so that leave minho all alone in this house . " felix state .

" wait , ur all have plans today ? " minho ask and all of them nodded . " oh minho hyung , u can go with us ! " hyunjin said . seungmin and jisung nodded too . " yea we reserve 4 seat anyway because felix tell us last minute " jisung said as he glares at felix . felix roll his eyes and stick his tongue out to jisung .

" YAH YOU-- " jisung shout as he chase felix . the others were laughing seeing the two friends running around the house . " anyway hyunjin and minho hyung , please hurry get ready , we have like 40 minutes left " seungmin said while looking at his watch . both of them hummed .

- time skip - (cause im lazy)

jisung , minho , hyunjin and seungmin arrived at the cafe . they went to the famous cafe called " Ĺatté " . " yaa just what i thought , its packed . " jisung said . " well , its good that we reserved one tabel for us " hyunjin said . they went into the cafe and sit down at the table that they reserved .

a waiter came , " hello welcome to Ĺatté cafe , what would you guys like to order ? " the waiter ask . " i want hot choco and one cheese cake please . " jisung said . " uhm i get a hot choco as well and redvelvet cake " seungmin said . " i want iced tea and green tea cake please " hyunjin said . " uhmm i want milk coffee and choco strawberry cake " minho said . " okay that's all right ? please wait for 10 minutes " the waiters said and goes .

" hey we should take a picture here " seungmin said . " here hyunjin you take it " seungmin said and hand hyunjin the camera .

after they were satisfied with their picture , they food finally has come .

- Pt.2 end -

* yeah pt 2 is actually kinda short but this story is actually only have like 4 parts lol when i first make it soooo im like tryna be clever here lol , anyway enjoy ! and yes im posting this part like 3 hours earlier cause i was done with my dancing class (which only take like 30 minutes lol)early sooo yeahh *

also my exam is coming very soon , i haven’t study yet . im a mess with my life , my lazy ass can’t do it lol . anyway wish me luck anyway .

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