Chapter 1

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Hello, I am a huge Shisui and Itachi shipper. It makes sense when u think about it though. Tobi did say that Itachi killed his lover.... My mind immediately paired him up with Shisui and no one could tell me differently. I watched Shippuden a while ago and I haven't rewatched the Itachi scenes out of pure sadness and haven't read the manga so if I'm not on point or get stuff wrong then kindly ignore. I'm probably gonna make stuff up along the way so please forgive me. I can't take romances under the age of 18 seriously so we're gonna make Itachi 18 instead of 13 at the time of the massacre. So that would make Shisui about 20. This is fanfiction, it is a fiction based on my fangirling over certain characters, so I did not create the shinobi universe nor the characters.  Enjoy 

Itachi held Shisui in his arms and sat him at the tree. He felt great relief that he made it on time before the foundation could kill him.

 He had the feeling that something was going to happen and rushed back from his mission to come to Shisui's aid, but looking at his now-empty eye socket he realized he was too late.


Shisui started at Itachi with his good eye for a good while, "Its exactly what we thought was gonna happen Itachi, Danzo stole my eye because he didn't trust what I could do with it and now I can't use my Sharingan to stop the coup."

Itachi stayed silent and they sat serenely in the shade watching the wind carry the leaves in different directions. Without saying anything, Shisui got up and started making his way to the cliffs.

Shisui stood over the cliff, his now-empty eye socket throbbed, yet he felt entirely numb knowing what was about to happen. There was no use of avoiding fate and trying to avoid the inevitable. His legs were starting to get shaky so he slowly sat at the edge and stared up at the sunset.

Uchiha... shinobi... Honor... Death... What do they mean? As he let his existential thoughts take him over Itachi shuffled beside him.

He sat next to the deep in thought Shisui.

Shisui expected Itachi to be his usual self, unphased at the bloody shut-eye socket. 

Unexpectedly he saw a flash of concern flash through his eyes and listened to Itachi's out of character rambling. "Are you in pain? Let's go to the third Hokage right now and get a team to get your eye back. Or we could just do it ourselves and use your power to stop the clan... We can trust Kakashi! Let's just tell him and we could arrange a mission ourselves and-"

Shisui stopped Itachi's rambles with a peck to his cheek. Itachi blushed and held his tears back at the same time.

"Shisui... Please"

"Shhhh, why do you have such a worried expression on your face? That's not the calm Itachi I know, well unless we count those times you were under me-" Itachi slapped his cheeky mouth shut baffled he could still be smooth in this type of situation.

Shisui laughed, his left eye twinkling at Itachi's prudeness. How was he still cracking jokes and smiling when they both knew what was about to happen? Especially when Itachi was having such a hard time holding back his tears.

Shisui got serious and stood up, "Itachi, they're going to come after my left eye and I trust no one else except for you to have it, you have to bring peace to the village" He took his left eye out and gave it Itachi.

At this point, he couldn't hold back his tears any longer and let them fall.

"Hey, just because I can't see doesn't mean I can't see that terrible expression on your face! Don't let this be the last thing I see from you Itachi."

Shisui touched Itachi's face gently and it absurdly felt like he was staring into the younger's eyes.

Itachi shut his eyes and cried as their foreheads touched, his hands were moving on their own. Feeling Shisui up and down as if to memorize every detail.

Shisui's soft lips leaned in and kissed Itachi's rough bitten lips. The kiss was so tender and just screamed goodbye.

The young Uchiha was in denial, he refused to make this a goodbye kiss. He roughly grabbed Shisui's face and asserted his dominance through the kiss changing the tenderness into a desperate roughness.

Shisui allowed the rough attack to his lips and patiently waited for his lover to calm down. Itachi finally pulled away and reminded himself to be rational.

With one last kiss, they parted in silence and sadness.

"Itachi please accept the mangenko Sharingan I will give you"

He then stepped off the cliff and into the dark leaving Itachi behind. 

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